Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
I hope for Harper’s sake that Aimee sorts her s out and stops thinking it’s all about her. Give the kid an enjoyable holiday. Stay off the booze, that won’t help your anxiety. Make some memories. Have fun. Get up on the dance floor with Harper at the kid’s entertainment. Do the silly dancing to the cheesy holiday songs. Play the poolside games. Go on a couple of fun excursions for both of you, give her some new experiences.
No chance 😂🤡


Mar 8, 2024
@ItsTheDramaILoveIt 100% it’s a tiring experience that everyone has. Also if she's having panic attacks like she has described in the past then Harper would notice. She has never described silent panic attacks in her videos to my knowledge. She's definitely not anxious she's just tired but making it a whole drama so people feel bad for her
The lying b 🤡


Feb 4, 2024
i’ve struggled with anxiety my entire life, when i’m experiencing panic attacks or a lot of anxiety skincare is the last thing on my mind. i’m usually in floods of tears pulling at my hair. i know anxiety is different for everyone but it makes me mad that someone like her with as many followers as she has can pull the anxiety card for sympathy but i’ve been hospitalised many times for my anxiety and no one was there.


Feb 28, 2024
As someone who suffers daily with anxiety to the point, I don’t leave the house unless I have no choice, so like doctors and to collect my medication (I don’t have the heart to ask for delivery it’s 5 minute walk) but even the thought of going out fills me with sheer panic, I don’t want to go into too much detail.

But I wish I had her version of “anxiety” going on endless shopping hauls, holidays, trips out. I can’t even take a step out of my own front door.

Mar 7, 2024
That wasn't a panic attack c*nty chops, it was the sudden and shocking realisation that this week won't be about lie ins and coffees in bed, hours on the sunlounger reading a book, drinking the place dry and cooking that leathery skin without a care in the world....... oh no, for 1 whole week she has to be a parent 😲 it's bound to be a massive shock. She pays for grandma gash-flash and the resentful sister to go away usually, so they feel obligated to look after her daughter. Even at home Gregg the wallet and grandma gash-flash are always round parenting H, so she doesn't have to #CostaDelCarCrash #ftyChopsNeedsAChildmimder 😉🤣🍹


Mar 8, 2024
i’ve struggled with anxiety my entire life, when i’m experiencing panic attacks or a lot of anxiety skincare is the last thing on my mind. i’m usually in floods of tears pulling at my hair. i know anxiety is different for everyone but it makes me mad that someone like her with as many followers as she has can pull the anxiety card for sympathy but i’ve been hospitalised many times for my anxiety and no one was there.
Ahhhh ❤️
The last thing anyone with true anxiety would do is film themselves doing all the crap she does. She just finds what gives the most views and likes and carries on with it. I find it so disrespectful, someone should tell her to pack in the day time boozing if she’s really suffering with it. That does not help and it won’t be any good for her with her sertraline that she’s always banging on about. She’s just a liar and she makes my blood boil. I’m sure Vav the charity donation cash thief will tell her to stop pretending and look after your child as I’ve got my hands full with Max. She isn’t going to be impressed with her so called parenting skills. Just wait till she sees how much care max needs. How his mother manages to care for him (she will of course be filming him In restaurants where he likes to do his own thing and stimming and being vocal) but he’s full on especially when he sees water. Lots of autistic kids are fascinated by it, it’s part of the sensory issues. So he’s going to want to be in the pools and slides all day. That’s what you do Aihmeh misery guts lazy b. Whatever your child needs, YOU are the one to provide it. Not Wendy YOU! AND definitely not Vav she’s busy with Max the cutest little boy ever


Mar 11, 2024
I hide.
Under a blanket on the sofa or duvet in bed. I don't care about skin care/hair in that moment. I'm living through hell, I need to let it pass.

Big hugs, hate hearing others suffer too. 🫂 🤗 ❤️
Everyone is different and handles it differently so this time she conquered 2 attacks in one day no one knew it was happening at all which is very lucky so maybe she’s had a breakthrough in controlling it and we won’t see her experiencing what we previously have 🤣🤣🤣🤣 not


Mar 8, 2024
As someone who suffers daily with anxiety to the point, I don’t leave the house unless I have no choice, so like doctors and to collect my medication (I don’t have the heart to ask for delivery it’s 5 minute walk) but even the thought of going out fills me with sheer panic, I don’t want to go into too much detail.

But I wish I had her version of “anxiety” going on endless shopping hauls, holidays, trips out. I can’t even take a step out of my own front door.

Ahhh Lurker ❤️it’s awful isn’t it? I saw a psychiatrist who said I have GAD general anxiety disorder so tried pregabalin as it works on the Gabba receptors in that area of the brain. It really did help alongside the sertraline.

Do you have any meds to help you?
I’ve also had beta blockers as well and that stops it dead for me. I don’t like going out and some weeks I don’t, I clean the house and tidy my clutter as that gives me so much stress, seeing my cupboards in such a mess so organising it helps.
A big help is running and yoga. If you fancy trying yoga I’ll help you find something to look at. Its basically sitting and slow breathing standing on your head and all nice slow chilled out movements (you don’t have to stand on your head tho ) 😘


Mar 8, 2024
That wasn't a panic attack c*nty chops, it was the sudden and shocking realisation that this week won't be about lie ins and coffees in bed, hours on the sunlounger reading a book, drinking the place dry and cooking that leathery skin without a care in the world....... oh no, for 1 whole week she has to be a parent 😲 it's bound to be a massive shock. She pays for grandma gash-flash and the resentful sister to go away usually, so they feel obligated to look after her daughter. Even at home Gregg the wallet and grandma gash-flash are always round parenting H, so she doesn't have to #CostaDelCarCrash #ftyChopsNeedsAChildmimder 😉🤣🍹
Grandma gash-flash 😂


Feb 28, 2024
Ahhh Lurker ❤️it’s awful isn’t it? I saw a psychiatrist who said I have GAD general anxiety disorder so tried pregabalin as it works on the Gabba receptors in that area of the brain. It really did help alongside the sertraline.

Do you have any meds to help you?
I’ve also had beta blockers as well and that stops it dead for me. I don’t like going out and some weeks I don’t, I clean the house and tidy my clutter as that gives me so much stress, seeing my cupboards in such a mess so organising it helps.
A big help is running and yoga. If you fancy trying yoga I’ll help you find something to look at. Its basically sitting and slow breathing standing on your head and all nice slow chilled out movements (you don’t have to stand on your head tho ) 😘

I’m on mirtazapine and propanol I don’t find they help much! The mirtazapine helps with mood but the propanol does nothing for me unfortunately! And despite saying this loads to the GP they just up the dose and send me on my way rather than trying something else.

And thank you I’d appreciate that 🥰

Lie Detector

Mar 8, 2024
Of course she had a panic attack 🤦🏻‍♀️🥳

So predictable I’d be
Of course she had a panic attack 🤦🏻‍♀️🥳

So predictable aimless
Everyone is different and handles it differently so this time she conquered 2 attacks in one day no one knew it was happening at all which is very lucky so maybe she’s had a breakthrough in controlling it and we won’t see her experiencing what we previously have 🤣🤣🤣🤣 not
I reckon her ‘anxiety’ is just the symptoms of the come-down from boozies.

I suffer from anxiety, but real anxiety. Crippling at times. Panic attacks are no laughing matter and I suffer for hours after one. Someone with anxiety supposedly as bad as hers, wouldn’t post her life publicly for everyone to judge. Even the thought of doing that fills me with dread!! She’s an absolute phoney and will say and do anything for views.

On another note, why is everyone in her comments treating her like a 10 year old? The whole “so proud of you” “you can do this” etc. It’s madness. A woman in her late 30’s being praised for taking her daughter away. What genre of tw@t applauds that?!?!

I hope Steph helps diagnose her this week. She needs help.
Mar 9, 2024
Sorry I posted something similar and you posted as I was writing mine, it’s laughable isn’t it that’s she’s even trying to claim she’s had two panic attacks and the kid didn’t see or know. She must think we are all thick.
My teens recognise when my anxiety is through the roof as does my husband (n we've only been together 7yrs) My son even commented the other week asking what was wrong. I gave the usual answer "nothing" n he said don't lie mum I can tell cause you're stressing about cleaning which you've already done, twice!!!
Apr 1, 2024
Well the stupid t doesn’t know safeguarding whatsoever. Really hope she has the stiest week

And not just the week b
Harper hasn’t noticed not one but two panic attacks - what a crock! If she WAS having a panic attack anyone in her vicinity would know about it too. I think she is getting the feeling of being overwhelmed confused with a panic attack! Lots of people suffer with being overwhelmed but they don’t all rush round telling people that they’re having a panic.

She’s either completely useless at being a grown up (which tbf is true) or she’s an absolute narcissist and trying to garner sympathy from her thick as mince minions!
How and why do they keep falling for all her fwittery?

She's both of those. And the rest.