Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
Bad laughing! One eye has spotted the gift shop- the others spotted D5 😂😂 also.. how the motherfuck can she promote eye cream all over her page.. bags looking like wrinkly ball sacs 🤪😂
All the s she sells is overpriced, Boots and Superdrug have brilliant ranges that are cheaper and more effective. The main thing to fight wrinkles is SPF. She uses the sunbeds and looks like she’s cooking herself each day this holiday so she’s the worst person to advertise skin care 🤬


Mar 10, 2024
Oh I’m not at all 😂the pair of them are vile but shes definitely up and about early for the content and it’s all fake but it’s destroying Aimeh 😂
Absolutely I love how both are outing each other Aimee we don’t set alarms and harper was in the jacuzzi but Steph is like it was only me and max and lily had to go and get towels etc both are absolutely weapon’s lol
Mar 8, 2024
Dear god!!!! There’s so many lovely watchable make up artists like Katy Jane Hughes who is all about fresh looking minimalist make up. There is absolutely no need to smear all that crap on. It’s looks revolting and why never a lovely nude lip? She’s like a child playing her mums make up. Bright red shiny lips does NOT = Glam. it’s just a no no no NO! Although I do love that she gets it so wrong every single time. She deserves to go out looking ridiculous, she must look hideous close up 🤡
And is the lippy only applied to the front part of her lips, shes left the sides lol weird it really is


Mar 9, 2024
Don't know about the Chinese, that walk around the hotel seems to have nearly killed her going by her breathing in that tiktok! How unhealthy is she, sounds like she's just done a marathon not a short walk

It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s not a smoker. Would explain the premature aging, the being out of breath and why she stops a million times on a car journey.

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
Can I jump in here. My son is 12 and just learning to swim. He has autism and massively struggled with group lessons, plus massive sensory overload in the swimming pool due to noise etc. I am convinced Harper is on the spectrum but she needs to admit that she needs additional help, there’s nothing wrong with older kids not being confident swimmers
Thanks for this , my daughter is 12 and autistic and struggles so much in social situations due to sensory overload, so sadly she does miss out on quite a bit , when she finally learnt to ride her bike a week later she had an horrific accident and was on standby to be airlifted to Alder Hay ! So you can imagine have I ever been able to get her back on her bike ? No 😞 she loves walking and nature reserves so we concentrate on these things for now , I just get quite upset sometimes seeing posts saying children should be doing this and that here there and everywhere, the world is very different to an autistic child , not all children are the same, wish people could be more mindful ❤️


Mar 9, 2024
I’m in my early 30s and I still can’t swim because my mother refused to take me swimming as a child, I also have autism and adhd and am now terrified of water above ankle height. I feel so sorry for H, she could have so much more fulfilment in her life if A wasn’t such a self centred useless hog.
I’ve never been diagnosed, however I’m pretty sure I’m on the spectrum. I can’t really swim, I can do enough that I don’t drown. However I spend all holidays abroad in the pool with my kids having fun, splashing each each other doing silly dances in the pool or even just treading water chatting. I have 2 children, one with additional needs, I’m a single parent and I love my time away with them, it’s great to relax and chat and just be us without the pressure of school/work/after school clubs etc
Mar 27, 2024
A lazy eye isn’t something to be laughed at. I dislike her as much as everyone but no one can help having a lazy eye

She has a lazy EVERYTHING

Unless I’ve missed it, I don’t think she has a lazy eye? She does a stupid half closed eye when she slurps her coffee every morning but that is put on. I’m sure when she reads here she will add a lazy eye to her long list of made up ailments.


Mar 8, 2024
Why does she keep going on about the snack bar being so brilliant it doesn’t open till 12ish and the restaurant is also open at the same time for lunch the snack bar is just burgers and hotdogs and all your pastries
She’s not even been to the buffet bullshit about not being able to film. She’s missed breakfast every day so far and her and H have just had snacks ie cakes by the pool, disgusting way to treat H
OK no. She's trying to say she only put those first 2 products on as her base (1st pic) then went off camera and she has definitely stuck the new muck she put on her chest all over her bake to, she could audition for wonka and get cast as chief oompah loompa. And Aimee that colour of lippy is just not your colour it's absolutely rotten on you. Dear Jesus christ 😳 also your hair is going to actually go walkies on its own at this rate. You do realise you need to wash and brush hair to stimulate the follicles for growth and that. Any wonders yours is so thin tbh. Also using holidays to sell s to your huns. Amazing mother daughter time being spent. Poor Harper
She looks like she’s auditioning for a circus clown!


Mar 9, 2024
Can I jump in here. My son is 12 and just learning to swim. He has autism and massively struggled with group lessons, plus massive sensory overload in the swimming pool due to noise etc. I am convinced Harper is on the spectrum but she needs to admit that she needs additional help, there’s nothing wrong with older kids not being confident swimmers
No one is saying there is anything wrong. I have a autistic child myself who is almost 5 and only just now becoming confident in the water. But she’s had swimming lessons for months and months so you would think she would stand alone in shallow water that was Lower than actual bath water in my opinion it just doesn’t make sense. No one would want her to feel uncomfortable of course not but it’s shallow water