Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
She is predictable as do!!! In fact I can't believe it took this long for that woe is me video to be wheeled out :cautious: I don't know what's worse, the setting up of the ring light and then walking into the shot like a fing Coronation Street extra or the supping her cuppa staring out into the garden she said she couldn't bring herself to sit in cos of the memories of D2 upping tools a frigging off! She's pathetic, cue all the pity comments now from her sad hun's, she knows exactly what she's doing, and as for she's not bothered anymore about what people think that is the biggest pile of se ever! Her whole life and TikTok page is devoted to making people like her, seeking validation and pity from strangers on a phone. She's more worried about being TikTok 'famous' than anything in real life. You only have to look at the state of her lately, never gets dressed, never washes her hair. For Christ sake Aimee if you're gona do a pity post at least make yourself presentable!! The slippers, the rats tails hair and the fat upper arms hanging out of that t shirt, repulsive :sick::sick: I personally don't think anything will come of the DVLA or the school unfortunately, she will once again slip through the radar, but I've loved the fact Jo has religiously gathered evidence and facts and contacted the relevant depts and I've loved watching Aimee squirm and been made to fill out forms and confirm things she reckons are truths on her TikTok page cos we all know she's a compulsive liar and full of s when it comes to her 'anxiety. depression, fake pregnancy and fake miscarriage, fake skin cancer not to mention all the other ailments she reckons she's had. If she doesn't lose her license then it will have proved she's lied about EVERYTHING! You're old news Aimee, there's loads of new and more current TikToker's now who although don't have 1000s of followers (bought) they're clean, presentable, interesting and not crying and complaining all the time, if anything this should make you want to get your act together, tidy yourself up and change your content from bull stery and sympathy to upbeat and fun lol, never gona happen though 😂😂🖕🖕🖕:sleep::sleep::sleep:
Well social services are aware of her. They can’t just ignore it and say oh it’s because people are jealous.
That’s good enough for me, just to have her on their radar and if she doesn’t step up there will be more complaints until she does start giving her child some bloody decent food for starters.
Mar 8, 2024
Would love to know what they are all saying?
I mean, anyone that finds themselves here gets labelled a troll.
But before I found this place she annoyed me so much with her inconsistencies and lies, also enabling another adult to call a child the most vilest names and i used to wonder if i was the only one that felt like this.

Any person on TT who sets up a camera for something like that, really needs a reality check!

To find others all feeling the same validates it all really
Oh it’s great entertainment laughing at her thinking we are jealous (I’m a forensic accountant) so she raises many eyebrows with her ways amongst the work team. They are all laughing at her and similar to us on her pity her child.
I didn’t actually know they knew who she was I don’t think any of them are on here either (I have told them about here now).
Mar 8, 2024
She can’t take any accountability!

How is it fabricated when it what SHE herself puts out?!

No one would have anything to report if she wasn’t talking about passing out behind the wheel or drink driving!
It’s her own lies and fabrications that’s come to bite her in her oversized sty ass. To be a liar you need a good memory & not to share every single thing in your life online
Mar 8, 2024
@RainbowBright love you too babe ❤️
No I’ve blocked her on other social media platform's so she will never find me. I’ve always had all my social media private and only friends and family I know are on them.
I even hide my friend’s lists and all settings are tightly locked 🥰
I totally believe all what you have said about her and her behaviour. The reason I’m so invested in her is because of what she did to my niece in her juice plus days. It’s not my story to tell, but trust me when I say it was a terrible time, she was bullied, blackmailed and pretty much robbed of money she could not afford, all on the sales pitch of becoming rich! Aimee was a clever sales person and targeted a vulnerable single mother relentlessly. She’s doing ok now and moved away. Aimee was and is vile beyond vile! Aimee blocked me yonks ago when I questioned one of her sales videos and mentioned her juice plus days. So I’m here for seeing her downfall. She cares about no one but herself. Everyone in her life are only there if they’re useful to her, including her family. She has no empathy or sympathy towards anyone, not even her own mother and daughter. Glad I got that off my chest 😆


Mar 7, 2024
I totally believe all what you have said about her and her behaviour. The reason I’m so invested in her is because of what she did to my niece in her juice plus days. It’s not my story to tell, but trust me when I say it was a terrible time, she was bullied, blackmailed and pretty much robbed of money she could not afford, all on the sales pitch of becoming rich! Aimee was a clever sales person and targeted a vulnerable single mother relentlessly. She’s doing ok now and moved away. Aimee was and is vile beyond vile! Aimee blocked me yonks ago when I questioned one of her sales videos and mentioned her juice plus days. So I’m here for seeing her downfall. She cares about no one but herself. Everyone in her life are only there if they’re useful to her, including her family. She has no empathy or sympathy towards anyone, not even her own mother and daughter. Glad I got that off my chest 😆
She's a t! I'm surprised she hasn't had a smack in that fat gob of hers!!! :mad::mad::mad: 🖕 🖕 🖕


Mar 8, 2024
And theirs is the predictable woe is me video wonder what that she’s got lined up to sell to the gullible huns tomorrow it’s rinse and repeat on the weekly.
Put your damn phone down tidy the shole of a house I cannot say home cos it’s so unloved.
Pick your daughter up from school and take her to the park the beach ffs anywhere so that she can have fresh air.
At this rate she’s going down so fast it’s tragic that her whole life is in that fone and TikTok,I couldn’t live like that I’d be demented by the end of the week.
I used to feel sorry for her but now nope she’s her own worst enemy it’s H I feel for being dragged along in her mums fantasy world smh .
Mar 8, 2024
She's a t! I'm surprised she hasn't had a smack in that fat gob of hers!!! :mad::mad::mad: 🖕 🖕 🖕
The thing with her is that she can make a person feel scared and intimidated, but it’s all crashing down. I just wanted to be able to back up Jo with all she has said. Anyone who knows Aimee or had dealings with her knows how she is. It’s having the guts to speak up.
Mar 8, 2024
Ladies, I haven’t been able to comment or post for ages!!! No idea why, but it seemed I had been logged out 🤷‍♀️took me a moment just now to realise I had to click on the key thingy to log back in 🤣🤣🤣
Have kept up though, she is an absolute disgrace of a human being, no accountability for her vile behaviour, she literally is a dangerous cult leader to those who are hanging in her every word. As for her family, utter disgrace to enable her s show behaviour! That’s all for now 😆
Welcome back 😊😘