Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
Aimee!! Your decor doesn't even go with your decor so a floor ain't gonna help doll. I honestly don't understand her concepts. Because she loves loud colours but is trying to decorate a room with neutral tones but throw in loud colour that doesn't go with the tones she's using as a base. If you like loud colours and patterns then bloody well decorate for your taste. She hasn't got an identity at this point. I think she sees others decor and says ill have that and then buys mismatching everything else and thinks that'll do me. Also she had no intention of decorating Harpers room she's just ragin she has come home to it not done for her. And there we go the woe is me trying to use some kind of psychological do fare on everyone including us lol Aimee if you have grown as a person then these pages wouldn't continue to move as quickly lol also nobody asks you to look here so what you call hate isn't hate because nobody from here or TL actually directs it to you. Stop being such an attention seeking t. Also services won't see anything reported as malicious cause for them to launch investigations my darling then it means there's something suss that needs looked at. And there's been a few investigations with you let's face it. Stop blaming others for your actions being highlighted and take responsibility for those actions and move forward and actually show some of that growth you say you have accomplished. Brilliant that you've healed from your garden trauma. That didn't take to long now did it lol
It’s a lovely sized home and could look really nice if done properly. First step would be binning that bloody mirror 🤣🤣

And then….

Mar 8, 2024
I totally believe all what you have said about her and her behaviour. The reason I’m so invested in her is because of what she did to my niece in her juice plus days. It’s not my story to tell, but trust me when I say it was a terrible time, she was bullied, blackmailed and pretty much robbed of money she could not afford, all on the sales pitch of becoming rich! Aimee was a clever sales person and targeted a vulnerable single mother relentlessly. She’s doing ok now and moved away. Aimee was and is vile beyond vile! Aimee blocked me yonks ago when I questioned one of her sales videos and mentioned her juice plus days. So I’m here for seeing her downfall. She cares about no one but herself. Everyone in her life are only there if they’re useful to her, including her family. She has no empathy or sympathy towards anyone, not even her own mother and daughter. Glad I got that off my chest 😆
This has made me rage ! What an absolute b ! Am I ok to share on TL
I am so sorry your poor niece had to endure all that
She sounds just awful! How can someone do that to another human being
Sending your niece lots of love ❤️


Mar 8, 2024
Well I’m sure some of this could make the paper.. that’s all she needs. A news article 🤣🤣🤣
I’ve contacted all the different papers. The Liverpool Echo was most interested and asked for links to her Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, at the Hippos page, to TL and to here as well as sending them in as much evidence as I could gather myself.

They were VERY interested. Especially because of the ties to Duncle and to Gregg the wallet and his many businesses.

Love that for you Aimee!
Mar 10, 2024
Have I missed something? As far as I know she hasn’t actually said she’s passed out behind the wheel but she has said she could pass out from a panic or anxiety attack. And said she was rushing to get back to the car in case she did pass out. Again, and I’ve said this umpteen times on tattle - she is clever in the sense that she can say “I never said that”. And she didn’t. But she must have drove shortly after feeling like she might pass out and needed to get to the car.

It just doesn’t help when people go commenting on her videos twisting the facts. It honestly does my fing head in. They make themselves and people here and Tattle look stupid because it looks like that’s what has been said here. When it’s not. What’s been said is she has referred to passing out and who’s to say it wouldn’t happen whilst she’s being the wheel.
Exactly this - she didn’t say she’s passed out at the wheel but she had said she nearly did, nearly is as dangerous!!!!!!
I will give it to her she’s a manipulative person
If you nearly did then that’s potentially nearly running people over!!!!!!


Mar 8, 2024
But again that's you admitting that you could potentially pass out at the wheel! Is she that thick!
And what if there wasn't anywhere fr her to stop?! Or if she just pass out before she managed to stop ?! That's why she shouldn't be driving or at least be assessed by DVLA.
Wearing flip flops whilst driving, talking to the phone whilst driving, recording whilst in traffic, DUI and many more !
Mar 8, 2024
Something we have been discussing.. do you guys think she doesn’t go to some of the events others go to because she would get caught out for looking nothing like she looks like on TikTok in real life? Not that I think she gets invited to many things with that sshow of an existence.
That’s why she never does lives for brands because when she went to hairburst snd did a live she looked like a big fat sweaty porker and all the comments were about how she looked different and none about the products
Mar 9, 2024
OK Aimee, let's look at everything shall we

1. You're right you didn't say you'd ever passed out behind the wheel. You did say you can't help it when you pass out though and that 'somebody would pick you up'.
2. You clearly drink & drive. We all heard the ' don't show my prosecco' comment when you were out for your mum's birthday.
3. For 1 person you do buy an excessive amount of alcohol. You have also stated that drinking every night should be normalised. When you have a child to look after, I beg to differ.
4. You can't even remember if you have told them about your medication and / or the extent of your anxiety.

So the report to the DVLA is perfectly reasonable and to protect others. Either you've lied (which you state you never do!) about how bad your anxiety is, or you shouldn’t drive. Guess that leaves you between a rock and a hard place.

The reports to the ASA about your hair removal system are also perfectly fair.
You stated that it works in less time than the time stated by the brand. You have never shown the results! You also then 2 weeks later ordered wax strips so clearly not using it.

1. You have posted pictures of your child that put her at risk! You did that. Including the pose with the lolly by the door.
2. You have shared your address on labels etc on your tiktoks.
3. You have told us which room your child sleeps in.
4. You told us the name of the hotel you were staying in & someone latched on to it in your comments.
5. Your child is fed so much junk. No child should be going 48 hours without seeing any fruit or veg, especially when you could have got some in for her.
6. Your child went live on YouTube & you did nothing except try to and gaslight people.

So yes Aimee, you put your child at risk, you do that. That's why it's been reported. It's basic safeguarding that you failed to do.

You let slip that your 'Daddy' Greg was facetiming you with the cats. There was clearly no cat sitter there, no photos sent etc.
You shared thay the cats were weeing on your sofa & washing basket. Cats are clean so if they did this they either have an infection or they're not happy.

That's why people reported it, for the sake of the cats!.

Anything else you need clarifying, happy to help 🙂


Mar 8, 2024
Just performing a secret experiment on catpiss 🤣🤣
I know her, too. And I don't need to prove anything, also don't want my family to get into argument with Greg! I don't live there anymore but my family does and I go there few times a year. I've already offered to meet with her face to face few times but been blocked ! And she keeps saying that we are keyboard warriors ! and wouldn't say it to her face ! I told her several times that I will gladly meet with her and have a chat face to face !! No response - just immediate block ! That's why people create new profiles (faceless profiles) as their normal accounts were blocked by catpiss for trying to pull her out on her lies !


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
I’ve a feeling she might appear in a newspaper if she loses her license 🤣
I am actually ready to send emails, messages and all her video evidence to newspapers and online local reporters too. All the ones who reported on daddy David and how she has followed in his footsteps with being a fake con artist.
Actually have them listed in my notes app 🤭


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
I’ve contacted all the different papers. The Liverpool Echo was most interested and asked for links to her Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, at the Hippos page, to TL and to here as well as sending them in as much evidence as I could gather myself.

They were VERY interested. Especially because of the ties to Duncle and to Gregg the wallet and his many businesses.

Love that for you Aimee!
Are you local to Southport at all as when all this comes out and she loses her licence, SS involved etc we need to meet up and really discuss who, where, when and what to the reporters 🤭
Edit to say obviously don’t put your location but just to know we are less than an hour drive away from each other is worth it


Mar 11, 2024
The caption is so narcissistic and woe is me
“Hurt people hurt people”
“Oh look I’ve set up my camera let’s just walk aimlessly (I had to laugh! At that word) around the garden! 😂

And “I’m flattered” no you’re spiralling and it’s plain to see!
I don’t understand why she has to announce being sad and so called hurt etc when she doesn’t announce I’m happy if I were her right now because let’s face it she’s right in all occasions she has no worries everything she does is legit why would you be sad you would be laughing because once again you were right all along this is a guilt trip