Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Apr 1, 2024
There are faaaaar more children sufferin

I just worry about some of the vile things people say on here. The world has gone mad!
Why are you here? If you find us ladies and gents so repugnant, then take your own advice and don’t watch. Have a laugh have a cry or whatever it is you feel you need to do, and move along.
But no, you had to stop by, if you’re looking to change the world one troll at a time, start with yourself.

All hail the ignore button 🛎️


Mar 9, 2024
Opinions is one thing, using the gross language you do about another person not harming your life in anyway is another. I am far more morally superior than someone who actively slanders another person and her child. Me just commenting on here has made your day. But who am I?

No any opinion is simply just an opinion, positive or negative. There is no rule to say only positive opinions are allowed. Please get that into your head. We use this site as it is designed to which is to air our opinions on social media creators where opinions that don’t blow smoke up said creators arses are censored and narratives are doctored. Sometimes the truth is harsh and the truth hurts. If she was private and didn’t share things then they’d be no opinions to be had, as she shares every aspect of her life to the public then opinions will come with that. It’s the same in many walks of life.

You are not morally superior, you know nothing about me or anyone else here. And there is no slander here, please learn the meaning of that word. And no actually my football team winning made my day but if you want to feel you did then that says more about you than me doesn’t it.

And who are you? Someone who wants to defend someone that doesn’t deserve defending. Someone who defends a liar, a bad mother, a wreckless driver (ALL true statements with multiple videos to back them up). So I’d say that tells me who you are, I don’t need to know anything else. But I can easily find out everything about you if I wanted to but I don’t, I don’t care enough.

Now I know you feel you’ve done something by signing up and having your say but you have just made yourself look idiotic. The same way you all do. Please learn the true meaning to the words you are throwing about and whilst there have a think if say a wreckless driver destroys your life how you’d feel about that.


Mar 19, 2024
Why follow her? The child is fine, she isn't neglected? And im not being loyal as i dont know her, shes just making a living from TT and living life. If i had genuine concerns I would be privately doing something, not this! You all make yourselves look so bad. It’s your own children. What if they read what you were writing about someone else. Its disgraceful
I don't follow her anymore! Fact number 1! H is emotionally neglected! She is fed inadequate meals! She is left to make videos on YouTube asking for friends. She's introduced to men putting boundaries in place after weeks of knowing them..Men in her house where her daughters safe place is! She treats H like a baby! Ignoring her basic needs! Did u see her black eyes? That is nutrition neglect!! She makes a fing joke about her child finding a silicone cock in her mothers bed! Listen go and read TL wiki! Sooooo much more! Do ur own research before u come on here starting on us! We have only shown care for that kid! She's the biggest manipulator on that app and it's people like u that give her the Validation she needs to keep doing clap backs! Clever b! Now piss off! Do ur research! When u do then we will talk!


Apr 11, 2024
Imagine seeing so many people who hate you, some that know you in real life, some that don’t. But sitting there and realising you’re really hated.
Wouldn’t you start to think all these people can’t be wrong.
Also I’ve noticed her followers never stay for long, you’ll see the odd repetition of a name and then no more. Eventually she’ll run out of new people.
I’ve thought about this myself. Personally if I had hate pages about me I’d definitely read them .. they all read their own threads.. it’s human nature to be nosey. If I had thousands of ppl saying the same thing about me I think I’d start to have a bit more self awareness & maybe try & better myself a bit rather than go out my way to keep annoying people with silly things I say. If she started cooking better meals, stopped drinking as much, cut her hair n tidied up etc people would probably respond a bit more positively.. I genuinely love to see ppl turn their life around.
Mar 9, 2024
Agreed - but you and I both know that catpiss would just plead anxiety to not have to take harper to the dentist. She'd be riddled with "anxiety" one minute yet sniffing out the Kylie and spicy rice like a truffle pig at M&S the next, she's a failure 🐖
Crap I'm as bad as Olga.
I had a horrendous experience 27 years ago with dentist and as a result can't take my kids 😑 🙃 However their dad and his partner do. I'm very lucky to coparent so this 1 parenting duty I do step back from 😕