Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
And I'm up and have a roast on for me and my daughter and cleaning the house while it cooks. Night shifts are so sore on your body 😩 exhausted but love my job! Anyhoo I'm just excited to have dinner get a bath and chill out. It's the little things. I hope everyone's having a good day, I hope works not been to bad for those at work, I hope those struggling find some peace soon, its really not easy losing someone you love so much and hard to see a way forward but one day at a time as cliche as that sound ❤️ I'm delighted for anyone who is gaining encouragement in this group of beautiful bridge dwellers. I find everyone here so encouraging and so lovely when people are struggling or need a little boost. Little changes can help us so much but don't feel under pressure either, I'm still struggling to get my disordered eating under control (intrusive thoughts to just not eat) but I'm forcing myself. I won't allow anything like that to influence my daughter which is what drove me to get better in the first place years ago. Anyhooooo sorry for the essay lol
Apr 23, 2024
North East
These creators are all just so consumed by the app, their whole life is spent on it. They cannot go anywhere without making it about TT. Holidays, days out, meals, celebrations, children’s childhood, none of it private. Not even meal times. Then all the time they spend blocking, deleting, clapping back etc. Can you imagine that. And sat talking to yourself into a phone, embarrassing. They lose morals and ethics too. And apparently we are the sad ones 🤣
And not forgetting we are the jealous one's 🤣 I could not live that kind of life, it's took control over her.


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
I agree Jo, I understand you are angry and are desperate for her downfall given the history, the anger she causes daily to all of us, but she will come unstuck on her own!
And don’t let her have the amuninition to label you nothing but a bully.
You know I say that from a place of care as someone who has been here from the beginning of this thread! ❤️❤️
I know it’s from a caring side babe and I have allowed my anger to overtake.
I am genuinely upset with myself for allowing my anger to control what I’ve written the past few days 😔
I have reported my own posts to be removed today and I truly am so sorry to all of you here ❤️❤️❤️❤️xxxxx


Feb 28, 2024
I know it’s from a caring side babe and I have allowed my anger to overtake.
I am genuinely upset with myself for allowing my anger to control what I’ve written the past few days 😔
I have reported my own posts to be removed today and I truly am so sorry to all of you here ❤️❤️❤️❤️xxxxx
Don’t be upset with yourself babe, we aren’t angry at you, we aren’t offended, we know why and understand completely.
You took the feedback on board and have responded gracefully, now come on let’s get back to doing what we do best! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sending you a virtual hug, I’ll still share my hammy sammy and frubalicious with you 😂
Apr 23, 2024
North East
Please someone find the post where she said Harper doesn't like doughnuts!!!! She couldn't just get one type then maybe try the others next time could she oh noooo because that would be somewhat normal!!!
***Apologies because I hate body shaming and don't want to offend anyone ❤️ but.. well I'm not actually body shaming quite the opposite but it pisses me off soooo bad that she is not a whale!!! Please make it make sense!!!!
Poor Harper never gets a look in too all the goodies she gets, she's a greedy 🐖
Mar 8, 2024
Mar 8, 2024
Well she looks nothing like him in my opinion. And no that’s the point, no one could know but the joke keeps going. Seems odd. And if you read my post correctly you’d know I am not telling anyone what opinion they are allowed and not allowed, just giving mine.
I don’t think he is her dad either and also prefer fact. I get it’s a running joke. I don’t doubt that it’s possible for Wendy to have cheated on Greg and who knows if he’s her real dad. It’s something we will never know the answer to! But yeah just wanted to say you’re not alone in thinking they look nothing alike.


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
Don’t be upset with yourself babe, we aren’t angry at you, we aren’t offended, we know why and understand completely.
You took the feedback on board and have responded gracefully, now come on let’s get back to doing what we do best! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sending you a virtual hug, I’ll still share my hammy sammy and frubalicious with you 😂
Your reply has meant more than you know and sending a virtual hug back to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Would you like to share a donut and a cheese string with me 🤣🤣

Lie Detector

Mar 8, 2024
In a way I do feel a tad bit sorry for her, she has nothing going for her it's the same s every day, shopping eating and dishing up crap. Then you get her huns that adore her and have there noses so far up her hairy hoop makes me laugh.
I feel sorry for her at times too, but she’s chosen to live this way and has the opportunity to change it at any time.

I do think being a ‘content creator’ on Tiktok could be a lonely existence. She spends a lot of time alone, and even when she does see people it’s only her mum, dad, sister, lady at the nail salon or the checkout guys at Tesco, M&S, Primark and Home BargainS.

I’m not saying she doesn’t have friends, but it doesn’t seem like she sees them all that often. I guess because she puts her whole life out on social media, none of them feel the need to pick up the phone and ask how she is or ask to meet her for a catch up, because they’re already all caught up as they see her every day on TT. Her friends are all up to date with her life. She wouldn’t ever admit it, but I suspect she feels very lonely most days.

She’s definitely changed in personality since she started doing TT full time. There’s an obvious emptiness about her now.
Mar 9, 2024
I totally understand what you’re saying and it’s info she has said about the swimming lessons on Wednesdays and someone mentioned D2 takes his kids to that specific one. I’m just feeding into her clap backs/fent with this and her fake stalker story from yesterday.
I need to re focus and like you say keep it legal and thank you for pointing this out to me 🥰xxxxx
I honestly hope you don't think I was bring rude, I'm in awe of how you've done so far. I just don't want it to be blown out of the water.


Mar 8, 2024
I definitely hold my hands up and agree that I have become quite feral with my comments.
She really boils my piss and I need to refocus on why I am here.
I 100% agree with what you have written and gonna rain myself in and remember I am doing this the legal way and don’t need to feed her narcissistic lies she constantly spouts.
I’m sorry to anyone I have offended recently with my comments and please accept my apology 🙏❤️ xxxxxxx
I’m not offended at all , I stand by you all the way ❤️
Mar 8, 2024
I hope my answer doesn’t offend you as that is not my intention at all.
I know a lot of people in Southport as lived here all my 39 yrs of life.
Catpiss is a dangerous b and has been mentioned by others who also know her here and are careful with what they put. I’m not giving her the satisfaction to shut me up which is why I limit what I put here.
This is an anonymous website and I have said a few home truths that Catpiss would only know is true via people who know her and she is known to get GTW to do dirty dodgy handshakes with dodgy solicitors to stop people calling her out and she is known to destroy peoples lives with her lies to get her own way. She is nothing but a smug b who loves nothing more and gets off on winning if that makes sense by shutting people up.
She thinks she’s above the law and untouchable breaking several with drink driving and not reporting her illnesses or medication to the DVLA. Her family have made money with dodgy deals and stealing off elderly people. It’s local knowledge that GTW and Duncle David used dirty cash to invest in a night club, car park etc which is how GTW has money now. Cash is untraceable and I promise Aimee has spent many a weekend with her Duncle David kids when she was younger, went to any family parties they held and was also known to meet her ex husband only because his mother worked at Barton Park for many years xxxxx
Which nightclub was it? I used to go out clubbing a lot in Southport in the late 90s and early 00s


Mar 8, 2024
I definitely hold my hands up and agree that I have become quite feral with my comments.
She really boils my piss and I need to refocus on why I am here.
I 100% agree with what you have written and gonna rain myself in and remember I am doing this the legal way and don’t need to feed her narcissistic lies she constantly spouts.
I’m sorry to anyone I have offended recently with my comments and please accept my apology 🙏❤️ xxxxxxx
You’ve never offended me or anyone I don’t think. Some people are just very keen to only post factual stuff that can be backed up fully that’s all. I am too but I admit I do go off on one at times 🤣we can’t help it can we be we get so frustrated. I do think that without these sites calling her out, she would be telling even more lies and making up worse stories. She would have to come off because she couldn’t handle the masses of comments and would literally have to stay in every day policing her account.

We save her hours of deleting posts by ranting on here. I don’t believe she has so many filtered comments. It’s a line she uses to cover up the fact that she avidly reads here.
I’m very happy that she’s listening to advice and gave us a nod yesterday whilst dishing up the child’s veg! “FOR HEALTH”
Well done you! And she is cooking tonight not having a takeaway so again, WELL DONE. It does always seem like a students put whatever they can find in the fridge out together on a plate, but that’s better than 6000 calories in a family KFC bucket 👍🏼


Mar 9, 2024
And not forgetting we are the jealous one's 🤣 I could not live that kind of life, it's took control over her.
Not a single thing to be jealous about is there 🤣 with a lot of them they do it for money - which is a little more understandable to a point but with Aimee, she doesn’t need the money so why does she do it. Baffling.
Mar 9, 2024
I know it’s from a caring side babe and I have allowed my anger to overtake.
I am genuinely upset with myself for allowing my anger to control what I’ve written the past few days 😔
I have reported my own posts to be removed today and I truly am so sorry to all of you here ❤️❤️❤️❤️xxxxx
Don't apologise! You're the one who has got things moving. You did that, we're all behind you. X


Mar 9, 2024
I don’t think he is her dad either and also prefer fact. I get it’s a running joke. I don’t doubt that it’s possible for Wendy to have cheated on Greg and who knows if he’s her real dad. It’s something we will never know the answer to! But yeah just wanted to say you’re not alone in thinking they look nothing alike.
I thought I was on my own by not seeing the lookalike but I genuinely don’t think they do. And yeah we have to have facts and evidence to back things up, it’s really important I think.