Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 8, 2024
And my post also was not to offend, I think its easy for people to get carried away as we all have pent up frustration as she’s pissed us all off by her actions, but let’s do it properly!!!!
Aimee has already lost - she’s not a celebrity she’s a washed up sales person and not a great one…
This is very true , I think we’re all desperate to wipe the smile off her face we end up getting carried away x


Mar 8, 2024
Please someone find the post where she said Harper doesn't like doughnuts!!!! She couldn't just get one type then maybe try the others next time could she oh noooo because that would be somewhat normal!!!
***Apologies because I hate body shaming and don't want to offend anyone ❤️ but.. well I'm not actually body shaming quite the opposite but it pisses me off soooo bad that she is not a whale!!! Please make it make sense!!!!
Think she is getting bigger, but she uses slimming filters on herself. She looked bigger on gash flasher’s TT at Easter
Apr 23, 2024
North East
Not a single thing to be jealous about is there 🤣 with a lot of them they do it for money - which is a little more understandable to a point but with Aimee, she doesn’t need the money so why does she do

Not a single thing to be jealous about is there 🤣 with a lot of them they do it for money - which is a little more understandable to a point but with Aimee, she doesn’t need the money so why does she do it. Baffling.
She thrives off validation


Mar 9, 2024
I know it’s from a caring side babe and I have allowed my anger to overtake.
I am genuinely upset with myself for allowing my anger to control what I’ve written the past few days 😔
I have reported my own posts to be removed today and I truly am so sorry to all of you here ❤️❤️❤️❤️xxxxx
Aww Jo mate, don’t be upset, she angers us all. I hope it wasn’t my original post that’s upset you, I wasn’t aiming it at any one person, just us all at collective wanting us to get her the right way and make sure this place isn’t what she wants it to be. I know it’s personal for you so I can’t imagine the rage you feel. But don’t delete any of your posts as nothing wrong with any of them.


Mar 8, 2024
I feel sorry for her at times too, but she’s chosen to live this way and has the opportunity to change it at any time.

I do think being a ‘content creator’ on Tiktok could be a lonely existence. She spends a lot of time alone, and even when she does see people it’s only her mum, dad, sister, lady at the nail salon or the checkout guys at Tesco, M&S, Primark and Home BargainS.

I’m not saying she doesn’t have friends, but it doesn’t seem like she sees them all that often. I guess because she puts her whole life out on social media, none of them feel the need to pick up the phone and ask how she is or ask to meet her for a catch up, because they’re already all caught up as they see her every day on TT. Her friends are all up to date with her life. She wouldn’t ever admit it, but I suspect she feels very lonely most days.

She’s definitely changed in personality since she started doing TT full time. There’s an obvious emptiness about her now.
Go back and watch her sarky clap back from yesterday. She’s loving it! Look at the views it got. She chose TT over her friends years ago. She said in one that a few close friends weren’t impressed with her TT fame or that sort of thing, they fell out with her over it. Same with the fellas. She’s said that too. These are her choices. I think she’s just not a particularly nice, kind or empathetic person. Put good out there and it comes back. I live by that and it’s never let me down 👍🏼
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
So Steph is rude Wendy? And Aimee I didn't see you complaining when you got to lay in your pit then come sit your ass down on a chair Steph kept for you by the pool. Hypocrites. Also isn't it mental this is how she built her following, making out she's some strong single mother? Not a bit of you actually is. Without your parents I'd hate to think what would have Harper or yourself for that matter.
Last edited:


Mar 12, 2024
Costa del Southport
I honestly hope you don't think I was bring rude, I'm in awe of how you've done so far. I just don't want it to be blown out of the water.
Definitely didn’t think you were being rude at all and I’m glad it’s been pointed out as I needed to be pulled back.
Thank you for making me aware as I know I’ve gone too far with comments and I really am not a horrible person. I got out of hand with remarks and I’ve actually cleansed myself and house before with palo santo wood to rid all negative stagnant energy 🙏 ❤️ xxx
Mar 8, 2024
I thought I was on my own by not seeing the lookalike but I genuinely don’t think they do. And yeah we have to have facts and evidence to back things up, it’s really important I think.
It is. Otherwise when people come on here looking to see what she’s all about, all they see is immense hatred and outrageous assumptions rather than hard and undeniable facts.


Mar 9, 2024
I know it’s from a caring side babe and I have allowed my anger to overtake.
I am genuinely upset with myself for allowing my anger to control what I’ve written the past few days 😔
I have reported my own posts to be removed today and I truly am so sorry to all of you here ❤️❤️❤️❤️xxxxx
don’t apologise to me to I completely get your only human and she infuriates everybody so you being personally linked can’t be easy with history. I am really proud of you keep your head up we all blow now and then new day tomorrow ❤️


Mar 8, 2024
I definitely hold my hands up and agree that I have become quite feral with my comments.
She really boils my piss and I need to refocus on why I am here.
I 100% agree with what you have written and gonna rain myself in and remember I am doing this the legal way and don’t need to feed her narcissistic lies she constantly spouts.
I’m sorry to anyone I have offended recently with my comments and please accept my apology 🙏❤️ xxxxxxx
I’d like to add that this is a place to chat about her, It’s not a crime watch page, yes we should point out her lies and back them up. We do that, however we can still have a laugh with each other about her, no one is in charge here or claiming to be, so anyone can say what they feel or think.
It’s new as well so I’m sure once we all get over the initial excitement we will calm down anyway.

Anyway back to business. The post where she said she had a form of skin cancer has been shown here again, makes her look ridiculous for using sunbeds without a care in the world. Maybe if she looked very pale I’d understand a bit more but she’s just been to Spain for a week 🙄 also she has claimed her tanning drops are amazing so why would not just use them and a fake tan for your body? I mean if you’ve had skin cancer the sensible thing to do is NOT use one ever again. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Apr 23, 2024
The comment which has since been deleted is absolutely disgusting!!!! No doubt she has read it and let it sit, as we all know she goes through every comment which shows how nasty and vindictive she really is!!! How her huns cannot see this is beyond me!!!! It’s the same when people are genuinely trying to connect with the self centred c**t talking about a range of issues from terminal illness to general daily struggles, unless it’s about miss piggy princess she ignores it,, when oh when are people going to see her for the nasty self involved narcissistic b she really is!!!! I’ve been a follower on this and on TL never ever commented but this has made me so angry!!!!!
What was the comment?
Mar 16, 2024
United Kingdom
Please someone find the post where she said Harper doesn't like doughnuts!!!! She couldn't just get one type then maybe try the others next time could she oh noooo because that would be somewhat normal!!!
***Apologies because I hate body shaming and don't want to offend anyone ❤️ but.. well I'm not actually body shaming quite the opposite but it pisses me off soooo bad that she is not a whale!!! Please make it make sense!!!!
The sad thing is her own sister has talked about having an ED, it must be so triggering for her to see her own sister publicly buy the unhealthiest food going, watching the (now it’s been pointed out, I can’t unsee the camel) shovelling the crap into her mouth and see the disgusting dinners she serves!
If that was my family member I wouldn’t be behaving the way Aimee does!!
I have also seen the video where she said H doesn’t like donuts I think it’s on here or TL


Mar 9, 2024
It is. Otherwise when people come on here looking to see what she’s all about, all they see is immense hatred and outrageous assumptions rather than hard and undeniable facts.
Exactly and that’s not what I want this place to be seen as, as it plays right into her narrative. People coming over will only look at the highlights when under all that is a great bunch of people who see right through her and have all the facts and evidence on the vile dangerous bullshitter she actually is, and I don’t want that been lost.


Mar 9, 2024
So Steph is rude Wendy? And Aimee I didn't see you complaining when you got to kay in your pit then come sit your ass down on a chair Steph kept for you by the pool. Hypocrites. Also isn't it mental this is how she built her following, making out she's some strong single mother? Not a bit of you actually is. Without your parents I'd hate to think what would have Harper or yourself for that matter.
How can she possibly ever claim she’s never used a filter as that second video almost looks like an animation 🤣🤣
Mar 7, 2024
Under the Troll bridge
Don’t be upset with yourself babe, we aren’t angry at you, we aren’t offended, we know why and understand completely.
You took the feedback on board and have responded gracefully, now come on let’s get back to doing what we do best! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sending you a virtual hug, I’ll still share my hammy sammy and frubalicious with you 😂
Don’t forget the cakey wakey too


Mar 9, 2024
I’d like to add that this is a place to chat about her, It’s not a crime watch page, yes we should point out her lies and back them up. We do that, however we can still have a laugh with each other about her, no one is in charge here or claiming to be, so anyone can say what they feel or think.
It’s new as well so I’m sure once we all get over the initial excitement we will calm down anyway.

Anyway back to business. The post where she said she had a form of skin cancer has been shown here again, makes her look ridiculous for using sunbeds without a care in the world. Maybe if she looked very pale I’d understand a bit more but she’s just been to Spain for a week 🙄 also she has claimed her tanning drops are amazing so why would not just use them and a fake tan for your body? I mean if you’ve had skin cancer the sensible thing to do is NOT use one ever again. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Yeah I want to reiterate I’m not for sucking the fun out of it or not wanting to have jokes, I laugh my head off at most of it. It was just a few speculated things I felt had gone a bit far and were making us look exactly how she was claiming us to be. And it was just an observation and hoping people understood where I was coming from.