Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
I have just looked at the Help section right at the bottom and it says…

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.

I really hope they will remove the comment made and also terminate the account.


Mar 9, 2024
I had no idea what the comment meant so scrolled past. However with all the comments telling Olga off for not safe guarding her child then doxxing like this...😡😡😡 Well done for picking up on it.
This is supposed to be a safe place NOT to troll, just to express our opinions and have some banter.
Please remember peeps we don't stoop to her level or play into her hands. 🦄🦋💐
Same till I seen the first comment about doxing and can’t lie I googled it and it came straight up
Mar 8, 2024
I need a trip to york Gardens oh dear me... u done so much damage t bucket enough now......
As much as you hate Aimee. Please consider she has a child and you doxxing her address is bang out of order. We want harper safeguarded and you’ve just done the complete opposite. Absolutely wrong.

Harper is an innocent child and doesn’t deserve you revealing an address. If anything was to happen at Aimee’s house, it could well be down to you doxxing her.


Apr 23, 2024
I personally don't want any interaction with that member even when they remove it! haven't even seen any of their posts anyway. Straight to her hands! And she definitely won't be saying it was just one person from 'that site' will she! Paint us all with the same brush! Soooo fustrating, well we have all made it perfectly clear that we don't condone it. All we can do guys ❤ xxxx
Mar 8, 2024
Hopefully it's removed by CC or the original poster. Definitely not what we're about and not the right way to go about things. I didn't comment on Tuesday as I didn't want to bring attention to the post.
Even if it’s removed, the damage has been done. This site needs moderating better to stop this kind of thing happening
Mar 10, 2024
I’ve just gone through and reported a few insinuating the address. I haven’t liked any of them and I just like for the sake of liking as I’m skimming so I don’t know how they’ve not been picked up, the thread moves at lightening speed. Monday & Tuesday there was address hints. Brutal.
Some of their comments in general not just A’s thread are out there like.


Apr 23, 2024
Right so iv just read the rules and it says they will remove comments and modify if needed however it says you can contact them and when I have tried to it’s saying I don’t have permission so not sure if it is or isn’t monitored and just a general wording of so called rules
You have to log out to contact them.
I’ve just done it to ask them to remove my account. I joined to have mutual banter over someone we all dislike, but I can’t be apart of that sort of behaviour. Goes against everything I stand for. I’ve also complained about the lack of moderation on this site. Think I’ll stick to being a reader.


Mar 9, 2024
I am gutted and disappointed in the turn this page has taken.

I thought this would be a page for us to rant same as over on TL but some have decided to take it too far and it starting to fit into A narrative of being a stalker page.

I also read over on TL that some of their lovely members who are also members here as thinking of leaving CC due to how far some of this page has taken it and how there is no mods to help keep this page to what it is intended for and to keep people in check.

I can’t say I blame them to be honest as been debating leaving here myself but I know that a majority of us are absolutely appalled by the actions of a complete and utter wrong un who has ruined this page for a lot of us 😔.
Mar 17, 2024
Anyhoooow to my fellow night shifters We did it!!! Ha... saw a lot finish at 8 get home for your last sip of the day 😴 I also finished at 8 officially but have a meeting 9-10.30 so I'm furious 🤣😴

Anyhow!!! Well done for picking up on the doxxing!!! 🤬🙄 couldn't agree more that unfortunately one wrong un will unfortunately have a collateral effect on us non- wrong uns!!
@Regina.GG I agree that I'm VERY unsure of this person now as a few mentioned I don't remember seeing the posts but if you click the name a few of her posts are VERY questionable!!! Talking about anyone fancy a trip to **** and leaving certain people half ☠️ in the wild... is fing wild!!!! 🙈🥺 I can't stand Shamey like everyone else but that s is madness. Also reported!!! I'm not tagging the person but if you see this could you explain a little about your doxxing and ☠️ threats? Because it is very very odd!!

Anyhow I'm off to get an extra large coffee and sit outside and inhale a full v*** to keep me awake 😂🤣 Have a lovely day most of you!!! 🥰❤️🥰
Mar 8, 2024
I am gutted and disappointed in the turn this page has taken.

I thought this would be a page for us to rant same as over on TL but some have decided to take it too far and it starting to fit into A narrative of being a stalker page.

I also read over on TL that some of their lovely members who are also members here as thinking of leaving CC due to how far some of this page has taken it and how there is no mods to help keep this page to what it is intended for and to keep people in check.

I can’t say I blame them to be honest as been debating leaving here myself but I know that a majority of us are absolutely appalled by the actions of a complete and utter wrong un who has ruined this page for a lot of us 😔.
I will be leaving here, I’ve contacted Admin and asked for my acct to be deleted. I’m all for bringing Aimee down but that should be done sensibly and legally.

Camilla has absolutely crossed the line, not only is that stupid but also illegal.

The moderation on the forum is absolutely shocking and non existent & I can’t be a part of this anymore.

I hope Jos reporting her gets somewhere & I hope Camilla’s stupidity doesn’t put anything in jeopardy.