Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 9, 2024
I will be leaving here, I’ve contacted Admin and asked for my acct to be deleted. I’m all for bringing Aimee down but that should be done sensibly and legally.

Camilla has absolutely crossed the line, not only is that stupid but also illegal.

The moderation on the forum is absolutely shocking and non existent & I can’t be a part of this anymore.

I hope Jos reporting her gets somewhere & I hope Camilla’s stupidity doesn’t put anything in jeopardy.
Nooooo we will really miss you and everyone that is leaving, especially as its down to a couple of idiots. It's such a shame.
Mar 7, 2024
Under the Troll bridge
Morning everyone 🥰

I had to take away from here yesterday and I will admit I thought I was being shamed with my comments.
I’m truly grateful it was highlighted and gave me the wake up call I needed. It is very personal to me with Aimee and I’ve waited years for karma to get her and the last few days she has made me so angry.
I was being to run away with myself and I should continue to walk because I do not want to give her any excuses to worm her way out of her lies.
Yes I had a cry because of it as I felt I was turning into a bully and that is something I’m not due to being bullied through school because I was different. Now I’m diagnosed ASD as I masked it all my life, it makes sense how I stood out as the odd one to bully at school.
When I’m hurt emotionally or called a liar like what Aimee said to GTW and sent the police to my parents house as a child, I did say karma will get her.
I also NEVER forgive or forget what people have done to me and people take my quietness and walking away as a weakness which is not the case. I hate confrontation but I’m far from weak and always 10 steps ahead building evidence against those who have hurt me, those who stupidly don’t think I keep everything and record phone calls just incase I need them in the future.

Please except my deepest apologies as I got carried away but also know I am grateful it was pointed out and made me aware of the situation ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@itsmejo you are most definitely not going walking alone on this journey and your voice cannot be silenced any longer! You have all our support on here and we will be right at your side every step of the way xx


Mar 9, 2024
I feel like you're always having a dig at people on here. You're not the teacher of the class?!?! Your comments always steer the conversation away from the matter, its as if you're trying to police people and the way in which they comment.
How about stick to discussing aimee instead of picking holes in everyone here.

It's boring sifting through all of the excess when most of us are just here to discuss madam herself.
I couldn’t give a s what you think tbh. Not everyone is another’s cup of tea love and there is things you can do so you don’t have to sift. Hope that helps!
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
I'm telling you now, Aimee is gona pipe up about a week before the eras tour how her management have got her tickets, I'm preparing myself for the rage I'll feel when it happens 🖕 🖕 🖕 :mad: :mad: :mad:
We can have a melt down together. She probably won't even know any songs never mind the bridge to cruel summer. Complete waste it'll be.
Mar 9, 2024
To try and get this page a little back on track and to move it on a little…

What song gets you in a good mood?

I feel music helps when mood around isn’t so good so come on let’s hear all your classic songs that put a smile on your face 💕

Mine is I’m Yours Jason Mraz as was my wedding song 🤣

And Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys as always gets me in the holiday mood!
I love that Jason Mraz song.

I really like Runnin on Sunshine but Jesus Jackson.
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
Imagine if Hamper got picked for the 22 hat??? :oops: :oops: 😂 😂 :mad: :mad:
Naw I'd make me way down over security lol (joke before she says I'm threatening anyone 🙄) Harper probably mentioned taylor cause of other kids at school and aimees latched on. Just like this new hello kitty thing. That's what stephs girl likes so she's just latched on. Not an original idea in her head

Lie Detector

Mar 8, 2024
I know some people think she didn’t post that photo and comment herself, but I always feel these things tend to pop up when she’s trying to deflect from other things. Late last night, I posted screenshots proving she has an account on here, then that comment popped up first thing this morning. People then stopped talking about the fact she’s accidentally outed herself and started talking about the comment instead.

I think she probably created a few accounts on here once she was made aware of the site early on, started commenting knowing she would use those accounts at some point but that nobody would suspect her because the users have a history of comments and not just new accounts.
She’s a master manipulator who will be struggling with the fact she can’t control the narrative on here like she does on her own page. She would be feeling quite desperate to get back in control of the situation. Desperate people go to desperate measures.

I may be wrong, but I don’t think it’s beyond the realms of possibility that she herself is behind all this.
Mar 17, 2024
Yayyyy I'm free haha. Having to attend a meeting after a night shift should be illegal IMO 😴 and I told my ward manager so 😂😂😂

Off on my short stroll to my pit and I cannot wait just blasting said song @SleepyLion and I'm going to quote it as judging by a few comments I feel some of you will be all over it....

"With every guitar string scar on my hand. I take this magnetic force of a man, to be my....." 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🥰🥰