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  1. B

    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Take a bow - best response ever 🤩
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Wasn’t Lou caught taking drugs in the hospital loo just after having Alfie? Puts a whole different take on “she had to do what she had to do”. More like had to hand him over to social services for his own safety. He will be so embarrassed if she still has any type of contact as he gets older...
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    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Dont bring my kids into this but happily posts an “on this day” about her kids on her fat saggy - oh sorry Jiggly Jugs TT account. Puhleeze! Give your head a wobble love. Its great you think highly of yourself but you really are a bit fed in the head.
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    Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

    Five days ago announces “I no longer have insta or TikTok” (again) = doesn’t delete said accounts just doesn’t post. Next minute - starts posting s (again). What happened “babe”? Not overrun with “please don’t go messages” so you pretend that you hadn’t mentioned it (again) and continue to...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    But she is clean you know…….. she just wants to tell the truth and help others….. she wants to use her profile for good…….. same day posts a separate b about Miss Red. 🙄 The “I am so proud of you“ responses - from people who should know better are just brain numbing. PS Lou - weed is a...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Take your squabbles elsewhere - nobody gives a do. If you haven’t been around long or you haven’t read back 1200 odd pages AND you still think befriending the vile, fat, begging druggie do will make her see the light and she will magically become a real life adult because of your...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I think if you read back from the beginning of this thread it is all there
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    He lasted a couple of days after being released then hit the drugs again.
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I think Carol still lurks but doesn’t come up with the money as often as Lou wants. Lou did herself no favors when she was living with Ste and then when she moved into her bungalow. Her begging was next level and would be followed up with her being off her face, snoring etc on lives. Gifts of...
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    The enthusiasm and effort she puts in to try and convince everyone to a) sign up to her link on Shein and b) create a false account to sign up under her link 🙄 is remarkable. do off Lou. You deserve nothing.
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    Lou @Lifewithloux

    The money she spent on new eyebrows worked out for her 🤣🤣🤣
  12. B

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Her other begs and attention seeking is not working so back to using her kids to try and get attention. Shows how fing stupid she is though as her selfish choices to put running off with someone who sees jail as an inconvenience, drugs, drugs and more drugs social media begging, not cleaning...
  13. B

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Also impacted by the dreaded auto logged out with no help to have password reset so had to start all over. 🙄 I see that there is no change to the filthy cow. (sorry if I offended any cows).