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  1. Imtheproblem

    I like her and her stories she’s not done anything for me to dislike her …..yet 🤣
  2. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

  3. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    If I was Charlie I’d cut them all out of my life the pair of them are toxic it’s quite plain to see that she is surplus to requirement,all bendy Wendy wants is a drinking buddy I doubt either one of them are entirely sober. They are both vile useless wastes of the air they breathe how they...
  4. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    She is an absolute disgrace of a mother you can see we’re shameless get it from.
  5. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I had steak and chips cooked by my hubby
  6. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    God knows never heard that one before lol
  7. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    There is no way h has made that video to her useless lump of a mother it’s all smke and mirrors with our skanky mamma, yet another takeaway her insides must be screaming for nutrients 🤣 your definitely relatable .
  8. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Happy Easter all you wonderful trolls hope you have a wonderful time with family etc. I’ve been clearing out under my bridge ready for my lot to land tomorrow it’ll be a houseful with all the grandkids but I love it ❤️,I vote instead on the bloody piñata they should wack shameless maybe it’ll...
  9. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Did I hear right when she asked what flavour champagne is it moet that’s not a flavour you dim b,this from someone who is supposed to be privately educated daddy certainly wasted those school fees 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  10. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I have one cat left used to have 4 not one of those cats pissed all over the house it’s disgusting plus cats carry all sorts that can be passed on. My last cat she’s half blind 19 years old and even she hasn’t even missed a litter tray of which she has 2 big ones so there’s zero excuse to have...
  11. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Wtaf is the silly bint on about now skin care for H how about dental care for the child , I cannot imagine for a second she had asked her so called mother for skincare,this is skankys attempt at staying relevant and also make a few more sales from her gullible huns. As for the ridiculous post...
  12. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    @Womblewoo happy birthday 🎉🥳🍾
  13. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Good morning everyone hope you all have a brilliant Friday ❤️
  14. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Thanks lovely I was taken into hospital yesterday as the pain was terrible so am stuck in here for the nxt few days just waiting to see what they will do am feeling no pain atm on painkillers 🤣🤣🤣 anyways have a brilliant day ❤️
  15. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I’m doing last sip of the day lol been up the hospital all night with abdominal pains been scanned etc and I have kidney stones anyways they should pass naturally so in painkillers etc am off to bed am shattered. Hope all you lovely lot have an amazing day ❤️and remember no matter what sh*t...
  16. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Snap I’ve caped without relaxing in Morrisons now I leave it in the car when shopping 🤣🤣🤣
  17. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Brilliant lovely 🥰 now feet up and let our posts entertain you .
  18. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Exactly it’s not like she uses the rest of it for different meals 🤣🤣🤣 I forgot she don’t cook meals just needed bland s.
  19. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Good god you could break windows with those rolls and why at nearly 10 is h only now trying tomatoes ffs,am sure that child has sensory issues and prob autism dare I say .
  20. Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Wtaf is that dress it’s hideous and the red jumpsuit way to small it looks like it’ll tear when she sits down 🤣 we can only hope lol . Seriously though she has absolutely not sense of what to buy/wear for her size and shape, its tragic that a nearly 40 year old woman has zero clue about what...