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  1. Invented

    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    I’ve just tuned into this Ronnie, doesn’t sound like much controversial yet, but I guess it’s good to have it out in the open.
  2. Invented

    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Especially when she’s such a dickhead in general. Why are people trusting her to tell their life stories to?
  3. Invented

    Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Bloody hell. I thought I’d lost you all, and now I have 88 pages to catch up on! 🤪
  4. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    Thank god it’s a bank holiday monday, there’s no way I’d be able to keep sneaking out of work to keep up with all of this otherwise! I went to the shop and shes already been back online ffs! Creepy Alex won’t know what do do with himself (besides the obvious) I can’t work out which live I’m...
  5. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    WTF. Maryanne saying she doesn’t care what she did and loves her. I literally saw her in a live that were slagging Red off and waiting for her to come live at 2 mins to 10! She was just sitting in the box!
  6. Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

    I am so ready to watch a cam 2 😂 She best show up this time. I literally have popcorn in the microwave ready! How kind of her to do it on a bank holiday so I don’t have to skive off work 😂
  7. Miss red

    I just hope for once there’s some consequences for these people. They treat it like it’s a game, and it gives them and their followers validation that it’s ok to behave like that. It’s not!
  8. TIKTOKERS HALL OF SHAME. Racists, Transphobics, Homophobics, Scammers etc.

    Let’s face it, it’s exactly what we all thought. About time too.
  9. The Factfreak

    Well holy hell! I knew I couldn’t take to the guy, but that’s something to behold there. Im starting to wonder if I should offer my services to the police for picking out dodgy characters. My radar is rarely wrong 😂😂

    I don’t get why she has to be so damn nasty all the time! I first saw her when her kids had been taken away and she’d apparently had a hard time. Then I think she tried to ☠️or something? Now she has the kids and a house (we’ll forget the ex con boyfriend) and has turned into a bullying nightmare!
  11. Katie Price should be stopped

    I don’t understand how she keeps getting away with her behaviour, and how many bankruptcies are we at now? I have to say, being allowed to be topless so young and the subsequent ‘glamour modelling’ etc would have had an effect. As much as she said she was in control and making a fortune, the...
  12. Eastenders?!

    There’s some great actors in there, but It’s just insane that these 6 women would have been involved to start with. Let alone suddenly hanging around together, in and out of each others houses suddenly in groups multiple times a day. They were in and out of that cafe like yo-yos, and no one saw...