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    I second this
  2. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    It's probs best to ignore it, you're giving them satisfaction by posting this. I hope you guys get somewhere with police and legal action. @Admin
  3. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    You're not exactly trying to let it go yourself. You tell me to stfu and then next want me to spit it out. If you haven't figured it all out by now, maybe you never will. Orla isn't sea layer / glitterballs. It's who they're trying to pin it on. And I'll leave it at that as even though...
  4. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    It's all a bit awkward because the person that doxxed them is still winning by making them so very paranoid that they're convinced this person is every other person that's not in their private group 😬. Btw I'm 100% certain you are one of their 20 accounts 🤪😆
  5. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Ah no I don't mean proxy as VPN technology, I mean the doxxer used unmasked to do the doxxing as a proxy for them,1.,on%20behalf%20of%20someone%20else It was a link to tattle them talking about their...
  6. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    Everything I've said is 100% true. There's loads of posts on tattle with people talking about their private group 2024 Celebrity Death Pool #3 No deaths but plenty of dick and crumpets! Eh? Everyone know's it wast unmasked that was the death pooler in the private chat and the doxxer leaked the...
  7. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    I'm not spreading a wrong. I saw it for myself on the thread. They were all talking about joining a private twitter group and that led to a WhatsApp chat. People did not simply find each other, they were all talking about how they're joining in private group and who to follow to get in. Proved...
  8. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    IKR? Even tattle told them multiple times not to do this and they complained that tattle was trying to ruin all the fun. I think tattle was trying to save them from their own stupidity!
  9. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    I think it matter for them as they (very foolishly) decided to set up private groups to then share phone numbers, full legal names, where they work etc. etc. to a bunch of strangers. I stayed way out of it and I don't think they wanted to hear that it wasn't a good idea to do this.
  10. Tattle life forums - tattle everything about tattle!

    But do you actually know who they are? Or are you still chatting to them and falling for their lies? They think they're smart by posting personal details of others on their many accounts and trying to impersonate other users posting styles. But they're really not that smart.