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  1. T

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    But hasn't been back to buy the things H asked for for her birthday. If I wanted to buy it I would have been straight back in case they sold out. It might be Friday before aimless goes. Why didn't she go while H was away this weekend? Too busy looking for Halloween tat
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I've not been around for a few days and wondered if I'd missed the table. So it's still in the box because she needs help putting it together. A few days ago she said she sees her dad nearly every day. Surely he must have been to hers a few times since she's had it. It can't take much putting...
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Not only did she get confused by the brief. She had brunch with her tiktok manager. Didn't they discuss the brief over brunch.
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    That could be something different. I'm sure she said she needed to record it. Maybe it was sometime last week and she'd post it this week. Its not been posted yet though.
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Wow she looks so uncomfortable on the 2nd photo. The 3rd is only slightly less uncomfortable I suspect she was asked because thissinglemama is an appropriate user name for the programme
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Anyone remember her having a conversation recently with Harold about how many TV channels there was when she was a child?
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Meant to post it hours ago. Really. She wanted to keep the huns waiting. There's a comment on this mornings post asking if she's doing invisalign. Someone said you can see it.
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    She doesn't need a professional. She specialises in (bad) make up. Can't wait to see today's outfit. You could tell she's desperate to post who the ad is for. It will be on insta the minute she's allowed to.
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Goodness she's hyping this ad up. Orange face, red eyeliner. Just no
  10. T

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Didn't she say it was an event in London and she was really excited to have been invited? Now it's filming an ad. ..... This mornings waffle. 'Decaf of course' I thoughr decaf was a one hit wonder months ago
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Wish I'd been recording. About 12.15 she said she's only used the sensitivite shampoo. She hasn't tried the conditioner yet. But on her ad she says she's used them both. Lies as per usual
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    She's on live. State of the outfit and her hair. I have no words
  13. T

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Just watched Aimless talking about cooking and eating in her dressing gown. The one she's still wearing thus morning. The post before that was one from 40slifelou. The while post was about how she hates going out smelling of what she's cooked but doesn't have time to shower and change before...
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I'm on a 5-6 hour drive to go on holiday Saturday morning. I got my daughter Taylor Swift tickets a couple of weeks ago while she was at work. I'm hoping she can return the favour and get me oasis tickets from the back of the car while I'm driving. No point in asking hubby he takes so long to...
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    The comments are awful. She should be ashamed of some of the huns. I think she loves it. So much for being nice
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I think serenity has been reading cc Her suggestions are the same as mine on here
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Into gardening but too much trouble to record. She could record before and after whatever she does. That would be easy. Overrun with weeds. All pulled up. New plants. What they are. When they flower. How my plants have grown. How beautiful they look now they are blooming. ...... Boring to...
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    That could be why she loves the brand. She can buy a 12 knowing it's nothing like a 12.
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    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    Both sets are so bloody dreary. Where are the nice warm autumnal colours.
  20. T

    Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

    I saw. They've just had a massive restock. People on wait list but looks like you can buy from 6pm which is why I thought it was a coincidence that she's wearing it at the moment