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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Or her meet and greet! She is just so full of s and never follows through.. same with the tutor and swimming lessons
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Or her meet and greet! She is just so full of s and never follows through.. same with the tutor and swimming lessons
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I can’t with these facial expressions
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    1. I don’t know how many times she said she didn’t like the stuffing - heard you clit slits 2. She said she “made” everyfink except the chicken.. so by “made” she means heating up.. as far as I could tell the stuffing she hated she didn’t make, the Yorkshire puddings were frozen so she didn’t...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Oh for do sake.. we are back on the honey wosted cawwots.. change the station fanny Annie
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She thinks she gets hate because of her holidays.. Mine went to Cyprus and since has been to Amsterdam and that’s not a problem! It’s her business. Mine has a job, takes leave and uses it and doesn’t have a child that she is taking out of school.. she has no self awareness and her Huns agree and...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Stupid b.. you don’t get hate for going on the holidays you get hate because you are taking your child out of school again because you are too tight to pay the fares that are more expensive in the holidays.. so what that says, again you stupid b is that you fing put money before your...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I just had a look and the last time I could see her and Verity together was 25 May when she looked after the kids.. she tagged verity’s TT and it’s still there on clit slits TT buts it’s not showing in Verity. Verity has also had some get together a including a Bridgerton high tea and we all...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    This women gives me the ss.. she had the chance to allow Ewa to do something for herself making that wrap.. didn’t matter if it got messy, if there was enough hummus or if the chicken or cheese went first.. she could not just allow Ewa to do it by herself.. this was a major learning...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    1. Her eye lashes look the same this morning and you can’t tell she got anything done 2. What the hell was that about counting the squares of the sandwich! What the hell was she doing and how many was she expecting there to be 3. The fing Oreos!! The kid nearly got 6 of them until clit slit...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    she really has an issue with eating with a knife and fork.. I have never, ever, ever eating a fing lamb chop with my hands.. Also.. what she thinks she looks like compared to what she actually looks like
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    So many things to unpack… 1. I’m not being funny but I cannot literally see any different with her lashes from “the eyebrow shops” 2. Who calls it a fing eyebrow shop 3. She made a dogs breakfast of cutting up that watermelon.. why not leave it in triangles with the skin on which would make...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Guys - her favourite part of the lemon meringue pie was the lemon… she is such a foodie. Why does that restaurant give Beg this free meal.. it’s not like she is a regular. I’ve never seen her go there so it’s not like she must like the place.. like someone else say Mine has been in there and...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I just knew she wouldn’t be going out to dinner with just Sedat and that she would actually put her hand in her pocket - tight fisted cow.. The Costco haul was frilling.. they had two types of watermelon - one with seeds and out wifout seeds.. frilling.. Also she has been out all day in those...
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Bloody hell.. garlic breath doesn’t even know how to open a pack of stwabewies… that’s where Ewa gets it from She is all happy today.. heard aamie lost the tescos deal so hoping she can benefit in some way.. two begs in a pod
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    So if it’s cold she is going to bring out that fire starter guess coat back out or that oversized fluffy thing she wears… nay as well wear those ugly slippers/shoes while she is at it!
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    To add… she says she has no confidence but she loves herself stupid
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Someone mentioned here the other her day that no date night and look at that date night 🤣 so are you going to address the meet and greet that never happened hey SpongeBob?
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    This is the last three days in a row.. same shirt but different colour.. change the station SpongeBob seagull! Same boring clothes and some boring content
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    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    The bread was “stunnin”.. who has ever described bread as stunning… guys.. she is a foodie