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  1. The elusive Gracie aka get ya cash out

    Poor Gracie made thousands but still crying because she lost 😂😂😂😂
  2. Miss red

    And then saying it’s a kids app, yet these lot are just as bad bullying, scamming I think they all seem to forget what they’ve done all a bunch of Beggy hypocrites
  3. Miss red

    All in the box again this morning meant to be discussing issues with other creators but all have the gifts on as usual DG EQ Gracie all the begs together being hypocritical as usual
  4. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    If your Stephanie’s cousin Lewis wouldn’t be your nephew
  5. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    I didn’t make him do anything? Thought you was Stephanie’s cousin?
  6. Miss red

    Thank you x
  7. Miss Red AKA Miss Beg

    Only interested in so called creators that will bring in the money for her, her mission is to meet DG, Gracie, EQ all the begs together. Goes on a night out and goes live again for the gifts as she’ll be needing more as apparently her Simon as lost his job.
  8. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    Do vets do house calls for kittens? Are we in Emerdale?
  9. The elusive Gracie aka get ya cash out

    And getting even more surgery thanks to her gifters
  10. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    It’s kicking off Lucy lent her money and she didn’t pay her back
  11. Kerrie and fanny boi

    Another bullshit video playing mum of the year but then says she as no time at all to do anything with the kids yeah because you don’t take them anywhere on your own not even to park, saying you’re the only one to discipline them bullshit when you first met Danny you was live and you sent him...
  12. The elusive Gracie aka get ya cash out

    Might do that 😂😂 she comes across as a bully if she doesn’t get her own way, and is very money oriented always as been
  13. The elusive Gracie aka get ya cash out

    She’s always on the beg, she was vile to her son who used to spend more time with her parents than he did with her, now terrys on the scene she’s trying to play mum of the year yet all she does when he is there she sits on tiktok begging or playing the victim when someone calls her out. Wonder...
  14. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    That’s the worst 😂😂😂 if I want or need something I save for it but not people on tiktok there like let’s just make a wishlist and let everyone else pay for my things, I think it’s rude and I’d be embarrassed x
  15. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    It’s not the begging it’s more of “wishlist is working” think it’s cheeky not just Stephanie but anyone who as a wishlist that’s my opinion
  16. Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

    Who’s the young girl with her she’s bossing her about do this do that and no please or thank you, she’s live just ignoring Lynn, and now she as a wardrobe on her wish list 😂😂😂
  17. Kerrie and fanny boi

    I don’t know about the underage thing I just remember kerrie saying she got Hannah to message him for her via tiktok, can’t stand the pair of them both beggy liars when they first got together she’d ignore the kids and Cameron would of only been 2/3 so they could beg for money for petrol so...
  18. Sophie rose

    She needs sterilisation she doesn’t care for the children she already as, she’s like a little girl all about her hair and makeup and boys she’s pathetic and I agree she’s very dangerous x
  19. Beggy Bailey - Kbailey32

    She’s a big walking ick, and whoevers friends with her are just as bad and her gifters are actually stupid, how can they not see through her bullshit it’s new lies everyday with her and her youngest just goes along with it because more gifts more Xbox rewards
  20. Kerrie and fanny boi

    And where’s the poor dog? Got rid of him ages ago but were still pretending he was there and even kerries daughter continued with the lies, I honestly think they are both very selfish they have plenty of money and could of got the cat spayed