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  1. Sophie rose

    Appreciate you all 😂😂😂 yeah you need to appreciate being a mum to the children you already have, absolute fake can’t stand her sits on tiktok day and night begging and being her fake arse self
  2. Beggy Bailey - Kbailey32

    Beggy bailey animal abuser, drug dealer, compulsive liar, narcissist, and one of the worst on this app, loves spending everyone else’s money but does it on her own apparently
  3. The elusive Gracie aka get ya cash out

    This woman is the biggest manipulator on this app, everytime a new battle for the leaderboard she pretends to cry or uses her mental health then she’s on live raking in the gifts so she can get yet another free holiday and more surgery
  4. Kerrie and fanny boi

    Can’t stand these two especially after the disabled comments yet people have forgiven her, she’ll never change, they are both fakes and now slating begging on tiktok yet those two were the worst and still have a expensive wishlist
  5. Miss red

    Can’t stand her she thinks she better than everyone else and those filters are something else😂😂😂
  6. Bridgey Barbara

    Love this thread