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  1. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Bet he’s not declaring his earning !! I mean with over 500000 followers he should be raking it in 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but hang on , he bought them all 🤣🤣🤣.
  2. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Nobody misses your lives Jimbo. Who wants to watch somebody necking vodka and snorting powder up your nose !!! You’re not taking a break are you ? You’re banned again , we’re not stupid !!!
  3. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Hmmmm 173 likes on his latest post out of 500000 followers !!!! Haha James what a loser you are !! You bought those followers didn’t you. You’re losing them like water down a drain !!!
  4. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Bet he’s got banned again !!
  5. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Sorry it was actually dated 2022 which is just over 18 months not 6. My mistake
  6. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    He claimed he jumped off a pier and was rescued by the RNLI and posted a video but it was stolen from the RNLI and was also dated about 6 months before he said he was rescued. Apparently the RNLI have confirmed it wasn’t him. Get yourself a coffee and read thru all these pages , the evidence is...
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    How sad. What would he do without the internet ??!! 🤣🤣
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Hahahahaha. How pathetic. I thought he was going through it ALONE so where have his friends and family come from ??!! Lie after lie after lie and a s memory !!! Taking snippets of other people’s lives is not helping !! How much are you paying Jess James ??!
  9. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Putting his washing out with 2 or now 3 broken ribs !!! I couldn’t even put the kettle on it’s that painful !!!
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    I just come here to say that.. I could barely breathe let alone talk 😡
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    I badly bruised my ribs and was black and blue after falling over and I was in so much pain I could barely talk. He would not be able to lay on his back like that. It’s agony !!
  12. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Don’t forget the ordeal of being saved by the RNL again after he jumps into the water !!!
  13. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    He probably paid someone to pretend to be an ICU nurse !! No actual nurse would believe his rubbish. This ahem “man” is lower than low and will do anything for content and interest !!!
  14. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    How his fans can’t see through his lies is beyond me. I barely watched any of it , I couldn’t cope with his aggressive manner. He contradicted himself so many times it was a joke !!! One lady even said she’s scared for her daughter as social media is toxic but there she was supporting him , WTAF...
  15. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    How on earth do his fan girls/boys believe all his bullshit fgs ? He looks like a pig , what’s wrong with them ? One lady said that social media is toxic and she fears for her 14 year old daughter !!!!!! WTAF. I fear for her daughter if she believes all the s he spouts !! I just tried to...
  16. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Oh my. Just clicked on his live , I couldn’t listen for more than 10 secs !!! What an absolute dick head !!
  17. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    What an absolute KNOB !! He’s doing it on purpose to wind us up but what he’s really doing is giving us more evidence that he’s nothing but a fat headed liar who doesn’t have cancer. Come on James turn your comments on and let us give you the evidence you keep asking for !! Oh hang on , you’re...
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    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    And me 🤣
  19. K

    James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

    Probably gone missing or planning on summoning his private air ambulance !!!