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  1. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Also: EUPD/BPD
  2. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Lmao if only you actually knew.
  3. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Had posted things that weren’t just referral letters thank you. I included those to show I’m under certain teams and posted assessments etc as well of the stuff I have physically possible to post and I’m sorry but no one should be made to feel like they’re getting the 3rd degree. I do barely...
  4. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I literally posted the proof that I did wtf?
  5. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    If you don’t like me as a person that’s okay. I can be snappy and sarcastic and a know it all most the time. I can be an absolute raging b. If you have an opinion on me then that’s fine I’m not gonna fight you on it Going around calling me a liar for my health when some of you know damn...
  6. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I literally posted a recent health assessment with a medical professional in order to get me more support especially with a disability support and other things They are medical professionals. You are not. You do not have the fing right to bully someone and call them a liar when they...
  7. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I’m not the only one to have caused issues. Some of the people who have been around ain’t innocent.
  8. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I have already posted a bunch of medical stuff to show whatever I could considering the way I was freaking out and breaking apart when this all kicked off That clearly shows something rather than what you’re implying. I was getting ready to post more until I had to log out of here for myself...
  9. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Not going back and forth on a narrative you spun because you saw I was laughing and getting my confidence back online again after I had relapsed So you brought it to here because you were mad at me and got people to believe a bunch of lies when I was already in a bad way??? Like fing hell...
  10. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Nah honestly you’re good I’m the same and things be moving mad in here I’m lost myself Edit: think cc is playing up too it’s acting a bit weird saying things haven’t posted
  11. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I’m sorry but you made an account only to be on here really and cause me grief I’m not name dropping people because Im not like that lmao. Sat here going at me when you’re literally hiding yourself grow up
  12. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    See this is literally what I’m on about You ask, I answer and it’s not fing good enough??? What do you want me to do cos some of you have literally gone with a narrative that I’m the world’s worst person. I’m literally someone who’s on her own and unable to do much of anything so try’s to...
  13. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    No im not they should all be there im just trying to fing keep up and I can’t
  14. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    I’m literally watching a tv show???
  15. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Literally none of the people were in plm until I came back to the app and found out they were. I had distanced myself from them all. Lost contact with S for months and only recently got back in touch When people started warning me I became wary and afraid and unsure what to think. Still don’t...
  16. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    Just think it’s funny people that have a grievance with me ran with a narrative and then lied about being apart of the trolling. But also dragged people into it who don’t know me Like if you’re apart of my old group I’d rather know who’s who lmao
  17. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    What is it in particular you’re wanting to know so I can clear it up?
  18. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    The irony.
  19. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    It’s fing NOT THOUGH fing hell.
  20. jodie-leigh @deadringxr

    It isn’t even fing me 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️