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  1. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    She’s took down the video she made about ‘the trolls’ hopefully next video we see she’s been busy cleaning that shole she calls home
  2. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    What exactly is the police going to do to us? It can’t be harassment because she’s not here. It can’t be slander because it’s true
  3. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    I have watched for a couple of months and the kids rooms I haven’t seen but the rest of the house is just filthy, it’s no wonder u always see them with outdoor shoes on even when in jammies.. ya know I do think she loves her kids but the conditions she has them live in, the way she speaks to...
  4. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    If it’s true that the both of her younger kids are ‘young carers’ then how come one of them get DLA like someone on this thread has said because surely being a young carer would contradict what she’s wrote on the DLA form because it’s not easy to get DLA for children..
  5. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Notice she’s not been live since yesterday afternoon let’s hope she’s getting that s tip up to a decent standard of living for the 2 younger children that live there.. I know what it’s like to have kids I have 4 myself and 2 of them are special needs 1 has autism and other is partially...
  6. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    People that are disabled poorly and or lonely are the prefect people to make feel sorry for u so they send u money tho it’s disgusting if she genuinely was there to help people she wouldn’t have gifts active and wouldn’t have gift goals.
  7. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Regardless of the cards they are giving it doesn’t cost a penny to clean that filthy house and speak to her children like humans and not a but s on her shoe
  8. Lissa - Lissa's legends

  9. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Young and dumb 🤓 just because people are replying doesn’t mean u are on our mind.. hope the scruff is cleaning so it’s tidy before she comes back l That isn’t no storage that’s filth!! I understand u can have a messy house when u have children but that’s what I would call a dirty house
  10. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Young and dumb 🤓 just because people are replying doesn’t mean u are on our mind.. hope the scruff is cleaning so it’s tidy before she comes back live
  11. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    What makes u come to the conclusion that ur in our heads rent free?? Nobody’s interested in you we are just replying back that’s all.. how’s the bed bugs infestation going 😬
  12. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    I think she’s scared of her daughter that’s why when she was saying about how terrible Gracie is at cleaning and just shoves everything into cupboards she was whispering . Sad state of affairs really
  13. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Ur wrong I ain’t bothered about u, ur skanky burd or ur dirty mother in law 👌🏻
  14. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Oh s I didn’t realise I couldn’t txt or listen to anything while cooking!! Just shows u haven’t got a fukin clue
  15. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Am in the kitchen making dinner while my kids do home work with there dad because he’s just in from work so they like to spend quality time with him.. that ok with u?? 😂
  16. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    What exactly does she give them apart from a telling off constantly! Materialist things come and go but spending quality time with them is something she never does because she’s on live from morning to night and quality time is something she will NEVER get back and she will be reminded for going...
  17. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    At least my house is CLEAN my children are looked after and not verbally abused daily and I don’t have to beg for my money 👌🏻 I couldn’t care what I look like but I’ll say one thing I don’t look like a wrinkly auld hag with crusty lips 💋
  18. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Everything people are saying have seen it with their own eyes, she’s a scruff!! Lissa is the same as them people that sit out sainsburys with a bowl in the hope u chuck them a couple of pennies only difference is she does it from her filthy sitting room.. She said she doesn’t beg but gets her...
  19. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    Got to say them crusty chapped lips give me the boke 🤢
  20. Lissa - Lissa's legends

    I find it funny how she can walk downstairs for shop and fags or walk down street with her daughter but can’t clean that filthy house her children have to live in.. I have also just reported her for benefit fraud