everybody who comments on here is pure scum. you do it behind a screen from the safety of home where your identity is hidden because you know that you wouldn't want people to find out what your really like . you know nothing about their family or these people yet you can spam hate thinking that any of you are any better. if all you grown adults really have nothing better to do than throw hate at a 17 year old and a mother trying to provide for her family with what she has then I don't even know what to say. it disgusts me that I could walk past you and not know how horrible some of you are because you have to hide it online. it doesn't make you tough or better than anybody else it just proves to anybody with a brain how deluded you all are. if you don't like it then don't get so hung up in business that doesn't involve you and go figure out how to shut your mouth if you have nothing remotely nice to say.
The fact is that your all grown adults that can hurl abuse at a family that weren't given an easy life but still try shows how weak minded you all are. Spreading false information about a kid as well shows that none of you are 'adult' or 'grown' enough and probably don't look after your own kid properly and I pity them having you for parents and I pray on their behalf that they wont turn out like you.
I know this family and everything I've read on here is false or said with no evidence. There are things that go on outside of a live and you don't know the half of anything that goes on or how hard they try. they've overcome so much and you couldn't fathom how things you all say can have immense impact on peoples lives.
I don't know what kind of fed up cult this is but you need to think about the people you are and change it fast because society has no room for an infection like you. if not then I can only hope the people closest to you go through half the s this family have gone through because only then could you realise how cruel you all are.
if anyone has any complaints they stick it up their arse and can go lose some weight and have shower so people can listen to you chat s and at least get close enough to smack you without throwing up
fix it or do off its simple really
go do yourself