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  1. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Lou would never ever sell her bairns photos. She messes up continuously, but that no, no way.
  2. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Lou would never ever sell her bairns photos. She messes up continuously, but that no, no way.
  3. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Bit childish about the nits like
  4. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Bit childish about the nits like
  5. Lou @Lifewithloux

    Beautiful little lad
  6. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    Beautiful little lad
  7. Lou @Lifewithloux

  8. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

  9. Lou @Lifewithloux

    I don't know much abou. carol tbh and I will never reveal Lou's wrong doings to everyone.its between Lou and us. . Maybe the obvious as in only Lou can help Lou. .
  10. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I don't know much abou. carol tbh and I will never reveal Lou's wrong doings to everyone.its between Lou and us. . Maybe the obvious as in only Lou can help Lou. .
  11. Lou @Lifewithloux

    A lot happened in those two years. I can't go into details. They were the darkest years of all our lives. Sometimes all you can do is be there to pick up the pieces.
  12. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    A lot happened in those two years. I can't go into details. They were the darkest years of all our lives. Sometimes all you can do is be there to pick up the pieces.
  13. Lou @Lifewithloux

    I don't have to change or prove anything, but being the fair minded person that I am, reveal all your true identities then I might 😆 I will say this though, it is more than possible to change. People have pasts and make huge and multiple wrong choices. I will leave it at that.
  14. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I don't have to change or prove anything, but being the fair minded person that I am, reveal all your true identities then I might 😆 I will say this though, it is more than possible to change. People have pasts and make huge and multiple wrong choices. I will leave it at that.
  15. Lou @Lifewithloux

    She's trying, give the lass a break. PLEASE
  16. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    She's trying, give the lass a break. PLEASE
  17. Lou @Lifewithloux

    I do not fraternise with anyone. Have I said I like any comments here. I like you all, have a morbid curiosity.
  18. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    I do not fraternise with anyone. Have I said I like any comments here. I like you all, have a morbid curiosity.
  19. Lou @Lifewithloux

    If it wasn't for my age and I'll health I would have taken him
  20. K

    Lou @Lifewithloux

    If it wasn't for my age and I'll health I would have taken him