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  1. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    No point trying to get a reaction from me I’m not a psycho like yourself 😂😂 I don’t care what you think or say about me unlike yourself
  2. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She’s bored because no one is harassing her on TikTok so needs to come here for attention she misses the vermin 😂
  3. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I would be scared too, if you knew what was going to happen it’s not what you know it’s who you know 😂
  4. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    It’s hilarious they bring up karma then it proves Sabrina was always an evil skank because look what happened her 😳
  5. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    They are a wee bit thick I think 😂
  6. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    It really does 😂😂
  7. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    We know who they are and they are their own karma and what’s coming for them is karma in a way but delivered by a person 😂😂
  8. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She won’t be so smart when she sees what coming for her and it’s not karma 😂😂
  9. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Yeah you wouldn’t mind kids screaming as much but she’s an adult screaming at all hours of the morning if she really was in distress it would be understandable. And the anxiety police and ambulance being out all the time creates as well is not fair to the people around her
  10. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    that would be the worst thing having to go out to her even though they know she will refuse hospital I can’t wait for the day they do section her or ignore her some one of the two but it’s definitely coming she thinks she’s entitled and they will come out if she says she’s going to end her life...
  11. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Ours is a disaster my house is awful it’s damp and water runs down the walls in winter but they can’t fix it as it needs new windows and so much stuff I’m in a constant battle with them 😳 and then I have her living near as well
  12. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    i think they don’t want to get involved we have seen what she does to people online and the abuse she gives them and imagine what she would do to people living near her 😳and if someone did stand up to her she would she the ambulance out in minutes and who could be bothered with that
  13. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She could get chicken breasts for 5 or 6 and add sauce it would be a lot nicer as well them meals are very greasy. I’m not the best cook or the healthiest but I couldn’t eat those
  14. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    There’s nothing like that here we have the patch manager but he wouldn’t do anything he’s useless I might send them an email just to make them aware of what’s been going on I know I’m not the only one affected they are just scared to say anything
  15. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I wonder could her behaviour be classed as anti social behaviour as she’s disrupting the lives of neighbours around her with noise, bullying and threats not to mention constant police and ambulance housing would need to be informed by everyone she affects like screaming at 2 and 3 in the morning...
  16. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She accuses anyone who tries to give her advice of bullying even those telling her to stay of TikTok and stop responding she called them trolls 😂anyone with a different opinion is a bully in her eyes I feel sorry for those who have tried to help her and she turns on them
  17. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    she’s definitely mental and I think locking her up would be good for others as well 😊 she will get some shock some day if she’s sectioned and all her freedom taken away and forced medication it’ll soon put the attention seeking out of her 😳
  18. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    I don’t think she realises how many people are talking about her and not because of her dolls but because of her, how can she walk in the town knowing that people have seen her tantrum and scream in TikTok blaming other people for her sh and insulting people who have had ivf and posting...
  19. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    Shes only going to get worse because she has found a new way to manipulate people and until her followers stop responding to her and feeling her ego she feels she can do what she wants. The fact they didn’t take her to hospital says it all for me they don’t take her seriously and some dah they...
  20. The quiet one

    Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

    She is very dangerous she wants to silence us as she’s being exposed for who she really is and a narcissist can’t stand that or allow that she will go to any lengths to silence us which is now why she is saying we wish her dead and she’s that thick she doesn’t realise if the police look into it...