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  1. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

  2. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Check out the comments on his friend's last Instagram post. It seems as though Tricky Dicky is commenting 4 days ago!
  3. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Check out the comments on his friend's last Instagram post. It seems as though Tricky Dicky is commenting 4 days ago!
  4. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    The close friend mentioned earlier has opened a wine bar recently. He has other businesses but nothing that would pay for his expensive cars/holidays. The company accounts for his building company do not show a lot of income. Another one who has a lot of money to spend and likes to organise...
  5. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    The close friend mentioned earlier has opened a wine bar recently. He has other businesses but nothing that would pay for his expensive cars/holidays. The company accounts for his building company do not show a lot of income. Another one who has a lot of money to spend and likes to organise...
  6. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    His dodgy dealings did affect family members. They were implicated in Romeo Bater as his Father invested in the business and lost lots of money. Someone else on the Romeo Bater forum implied that another family member was removing negative comments about him from the Internet. His ex brother in...
  7. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    His dodgy dealings did affect family members. They were implicated in Romeo Bater as his Father invested in the business and lost lots of money. Someone else on the Romeo Bater forum implied that another family member was removing negative comments about him from the Internet. His ex brother in...
  8. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Plus his death was announced (accidentally) by his friend the night before he actually died. Then Lisa got the day wrong. That was all extremely suspicious.
  9. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Plus his death was announced (accidentally) by his friend the night before he actually died. Then Lisa got the day wrong. That was all extremely suspicious.
  10. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Also what implications would it have for his close family member who is a barrister/judge if he was alive, involved in scams, dishonesty and defrauding the taxman?
  11. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Also what implications would it have for his close family member who is a barrister/judge if he was alive, involved in scams, dishonesty and defrauding the taxman?
  12. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    But he didn't have any money to invest in building projects. He used the name Davboss to carry out work on their (her) house to avoid paying VAT. He used contractors but inflated his own ego by coming up with a company name which in itself inflated his own ego. He never worked, he stole photos...
  13. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    But he didn't have any money to invest in building projects. He used the name Davboss to carry out work on their (her) house to avoid paying VAT. He used contractors but inflated his own ego by coming up with a company name which in itself inflated his own ego. He never worked, he stole photos...
  14. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Did he actually own the barns and farmhouse? I'm sure he was invited around on the open day to look at them. I thought he pretended he owned them to inflate his ego.
  15. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Did he actually own the barns and farmhouse? I'm sure he was invited around on the open day to look at them. I thought he pretended he owned them to inflate his ego.
  16. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I have just joined after reading here for months... I have come from the other site but this one is far more on the ball at the moment. I have been trying to find out about his missing years from 2013-18. Someone must know? There are so many twists and turns but it is all beginning to lead to...
  17. D

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    I have just joined after reading here for months... I have come from the other site but this one is far more on the ball at the moment. I have been trying to find out about his missing years from 2013-18. Someone must know? There are so many twists and turns but it is all beginning to lead to...