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  1. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    And she forgets the post above where she says R had sorted the book out and there was nothing more to do. If there was nothing to do, which would be correct contractually because their contract was with him and not her (which they confirmed) the publishers could have just hit the button...
  2. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    And she forgets the post above where she says R had sorted the book out and there was nothing more to do. If there was nothing to do, which would be correct contractually because their contract was with him and not her (which they confirmed) the publishers could have just hit the button...
  3. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Didn’t that nasty text she posted a screenshot of say something like that? It may be the same person trying to stir things … or it may be entirely true. That text was odd because it felt like there was previous stuff it was referring to that she didn’t show, a discussion or something, and it...
  4. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Didn’t that nasty text she posted a screenshot of say something like that? It may be the same person trying to stir things … or it may be entirely true. That text was odd because it felt like there was previous stuff it was referring to that she didn’t show, a discussion or something, and it...
  5. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    If you search RD all the screenshots come up. In this one Lisa says no change to the October release because he’d had everything in hand. So is it something she’s done that has caused the delays?? And whilst she said she was unsurprisingly struggling to deal with getting it sorted after his...
  6. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    If you search RD all the screenshots come up. In this one Lisa says no change to the October release because he’d had everything in hand. So is it something she’s done that has caused the delays?? And whilst she said she was unsurprisingly struggling to deal with getting it sorted after his...
  7. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    If Lisa’s been raising money from work colleagues, does that mean she’s still in that post? Her outbursts on Instagram and the threats made would suggest there are so many reasons why she’s not the most appropriate person for it, so it’s quite incredible if she is!
  8. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    If Lisa’s been raising money from work colleagues, does that mean she’s still in that post? Her outbursts on Instagram and the threats made would suggest there are so many reasons why she’s not the most appropriate person for it, so it’s quite incredible if she is!
  9. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    And very Richard-like
  10. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    And very Richard-like
  11. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Just seen it, thank you! So why would a professional middle aged woman who has just lost her husband waste time doing a mock up of a book cover that she then says isn’t the actual book cover, and she’s keeping that as a surprise???? That’s just ridiculous! Thank god I’m not in the same position...
  12. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Just seen it, thank you! So why would a professional middle aged woman who has just lost her husband waste time doing a mock up of a book cover that she then says isn’t the actual book cover, and she’s keeping that as a surprise???? That’s just ridiculous! Thank god I’m not in the same position...
  13. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    That sounds unnervingly like Richard. Why is she as a grown woman who’s not played the Instagram game on her own account before writing posts like this? A simple grid post saying thanks for your patience, the print date is …, you’ll receive your books by …. The rest is all a bit OOT. And...
  14. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    That sounds unnervingly like Richard. Why is she as a grown woman who’s not played the Instagram game on her own account before writing posts like this? A simple grid post saying thanks for your patience, the print date is …, you’ll receive your books by …. The rest is all a bit OOT. And...
  15. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Probably the council worrying about the harm that might do to their image. Council’s aren’t known for checking facts though - it can be seen in the calibre of some of their directors!!!
  16. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    Probably the council worrying about the harm that might do to their image. Council’s aren’t known for checking facts though - it can be seen in the calibre of some of their directors!!!
  17. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    That must have been underwhelming given there were only about a dozen people there 😆!!
  18. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    That must have been underwhelming given there were only about a dozen people there 😆!!
  19. BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    It wasn’t exactly heaving from the video so there were probably only 5 nominations anyway! But the winner, and the others they spoke to, actually did something selfless so good for them
  20. S

    BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer

    It wasn’t exactly heaving from the video so there were probably only 5 nominations anyway! But the winner, and the others they spoke to, actually did something selfless so good for them