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  1. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I am so glad she is going to have an absolute wonderful time and make memories lol 😂 after she completely spoilt her parents holiday for them, with her bitching moaning refusing to go for lunch and palming I pad kid on them So so glad for her lol 😂 And also b tits Turkish tea is given out...
  2. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Can’t get over the size of the nose 👃🏻
  3. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Just shows what a rude child she is and how she has been dragged up will not say brought up, as she hasn’t no manners at all just like her fanny eyed fat do of a mother
  4. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    My closest friend is danish and married a Turkish guy 17 years ago, she is always going over but not once does she class herself as Turkish, her father is American her mother is Danish but she classes herself as Danish, as born there, this with fanny eyes Turkish/Cypriot baffles me lol 😂 Also...
  5. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    So was I 😂 I really hope it was a dig at her I really do as she has never come out with that this past 2 weeks with Tom Tom and Grandpa lol 😂
  6. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    As English I don’t claim her lol 😂 don’t think the Turkish want to claim her either lol 😂
  7. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Oh really, her with her bloody phone out and leaving it to Kuki to entertain her child, with Kuki having “little sleep”
  8. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Anyone watched Kuki this morning with the scripted video so sad that she hasn’t the balls to stand up to her really is Let start our adventure (BEEN READING HERE AGAIN) Kuki bit of advice stand up to her Ffs she walks all over you, no matter what you or her say she is using you if you didn’t...
  9. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    With a big bunch of flowers and 2 pint glasses of gin lol 😂
  10. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I remember her not so long ago at Kuki and Tom Tom was cooking dinner and she had just arrived and walked in filming him and gave that stupid fing laugh, I would of whacked the pan round her head lol 😂
  11. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I thought the same and the snacks she would of bought as well and plus the s before they left home fat fing lard arse lol 😂
  12. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I would of SOCKED her straight in the big fat chilli flake gob lol 😂
  13. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I might sound Fick but how does someone fall a little bit asleep
  14. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    lol 😂 buckle up for the fake videos etc And she has never pronounced Türkiye like that 🤦🏻‍♀️ So fake and agree why the do have your video going so inconsiderate Oh Begda your Not TURKISH YOUR NOT TURKISH CYPRIOT you are a unfortunately British The Turkish laugh at you The English laugh at...
  15. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Yeah that one lol 😂 Wilma Not kidding poor f Where is everyone sleeping lol 😂 Totally fed up
  16. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    So it’s Lara’s boyfriend coming he is in the transfer bus and Begda and I pad kid land at 2am Turkish time so why she had the day off school And why does she have to be there when Lara’s boyfriend is this is going to be so cringe worthy In coming show them up videos and her hienna laugh 🤭...
  17. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Needs sending to Burger King lol not a great ad lol 😂
  18. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I watched Theresa IG haven’t watched her for ages and she seems to do so much more then Begda these days and also Theresa’s write up on ZG is fantastic compared to Begdas which I find highly amusing, so yeah I agree she is all washed up
  19. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    Yeah lol 😂 it’s incoming and the funny thing is we know what’s coming lol 😂 And Kuki attitude will change “your a better cook then me” the fake stupid laugh from Begda The moaning as she is up and no one else etc etc etc
  20. Chicken wings

    Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She is on her way for her non all expenses freebie to Kuki only flights and transfer to pay lol 😂 That’s why she has been so smug as the freebie holiday is here, thinking she is rubbing it in peoples faces, she ain’t mine I find it highly amusing on how unhappy she is in real life, cause...