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  1. claire85mylife & Hale family

    Hahahaha!!! That as well😂
  2. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    She was moaning this morning saying not everyone can afford to just buy everything all at once. She was saying about new things for her living room. No Begda some people can't but YOU can. We know you can because you gave up WORK, you even told sedat to give up work. You go on countless...
  3. Talia Oatway

    Is this the only thread on Talia?
  4. Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

    I'm new here but just in case it hasn't already been said - she says she never has takeaways but she had 2 at the weekend 😂
  5. claire85mylife & Hale family

    I just wish she wouldn't post the photos of he manky feet on the scales. Grim