One thing I've learned from all this Crockpot drama is that Crockpot has an extremely common voice!! Nothing special. All those people who swooned at her voice,wanting audios of it, can now get it on any street corner.
Canadian Angie and her beasties just can't shut the do up about Lisa and Crockpot. JFC give it a rest, you're so dam boring now. Chatting absolute bollocks too. Every thought in your heads does not need to be spoken. was meant to say besties, autocorrected, but I kind of like it 😈😈
You guys shock me every day. I genuinely added that last bit cos I thought I'd get jumped on for claiming we were a group 😂😂 But here I am offending all by saying we aren't a group 😔
Angie forgets SHE was the one that alerted most people on the Sally article about her being a rotten dirty thief. You can't slate someone to the ground one minute then rim their hole the next and expect everyone with half a brain to follow your lead.
Bunch of fing twenty faced, deluded...
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