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  1. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    You sound like a fan tbh. How you doing I couldn't even be bothered to read that drivel tbh.....she really thinks she sounds smart🤣
  2. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    No seriously Fiesty lied about her od. You can't fake what's app msgs. She did actually say she had to change her own iv bag, and with changing that you have to program it into the machine. She's no nurse, a failed Foster carer yes, nurse No.
  3. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Whaaaahahahahah bye babes
  4. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Goodness me you are thick....what is your account name moron....pge p pats g glass e eye......was that so difficult?
  5. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    And i don't care if you care or not. Poor little victim
  6. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Paedo.....not pedo. Who said I'm a victim 🤣🤣🤣 did i say that or did you just assume pge???
  7. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Ahhhh ok, you've put me right in my place...again are you not mocking disabilities regarding Mable and pat?? No?
  8. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    I mean tbh if you wanna defend a paedo supporter you do you.....says more about your devices need checking too??
  9. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Now where did i shame? I mean are you not doing the same regarding pat and Mable...again hypocrisy 🤔
  10. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Tbh it probably is the best you've ever looked that pro pic
  11. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Naaah I'm cool pgl
  12. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Nooo fiesty is the slug from what i hear....oh I'm with you there, but seriously if we are gonna troll then we can't be asking others to get a god damn life. Hypocrisy is not a good look.
  13. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Quote or hear me out, get a god damn life un Quote. Is it making sense to you or do i have to spell it out ignoramus??
  14. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Same could be Said to you....your the one here for the Mable thread....
  15. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Is she do, haven't you seen the videos of her dancing, the only time the scruff was wheelchair bound was for the pip claim
  16. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Exactly the coke hoover has no clue just what people know. This is fing brilliant, we have people on an ANONYMOUS forum stating they are gonna fold people like deckchairs. Maybe we would all be shaking if you made the threats under your true selves. As for're not strong. You're...
  17. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Ohhh do off fiesty no one likes you, believes you or cares about you. You're still lying and blaming every one but yourself for your mistakes. Your homeless situation was your fault, your drug taking was your fault,your debt was your fault, your gambling was your fault, your fake disability...
  18. Unstablemabel @kelly_is_unstable

    Oh hello Cooper you dangerous man looking lesbian we see you and that w mandy oh sorry QUEEN mandy. I cannot stand Mable maza and Belton but i can't stand you more. You can get down off your soapbox now 1710176899 Oh hello Cooper you dangerous man looking lesbian we see you and that w...