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  1. PTWM

    Don’t entertain this nutter. She’s self advertising again with yet another new profile.
  2. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    At this point I think the local loony bin needs to take her in. And her frida pic sharing doesn’t fool anyone. We know she’s part of the gang. They’re all a bunch of failed misfits.
  3. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    do. She’s back. That’s not suss at all is it 🙄
  4. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Anyone catch the latest stories yesterday. She’s shown a picture of keels, aka fridaK aka PTWM’s worse ever troll from 2019. She still awol and even sebs podcast hasn’t lured her back to tattle. I think unmasked might have kidnapped her. Frida give us a sign you’re ok ✌🏿
  5. PTWM

    All the talk of the latest horrific podcast and FridaK nowhere to be seen?! She always pipes up when it’s anything to do with Sams boys. Keels where are you?
  6. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    She’s thrown a right scouse strip again hasn’t she. Fair play to those tattlers who keep calling her out. I well wanted to join in but I was booted off and can’t get back in 😤 FOMO
  7. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Did anyone catch the PTWM unmasked Instagram anonymous posts the last couple of days? The Troll unmasked was mentioned, and surprise surprise Frida yet again shows her disagreement with them and tries steering the thread.
  8. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

  9. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Well apart from the obvious Liverpool connections, I know for sure there’s a witch from Spalding involved.
  10. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Well thank you. There’s quite a bit more but that’s the jist of it. Also she has a few things/people linking her to trolls unmasked. I believe it’s more than one person on that account and she’s probably one of many witches round that particular cauldron.
  11. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    FridaK was originally a tattler called keels who tried unsuccessfully to out PTWM as a scammer. She’s a failed scouse left wing blogger but likes to think she has “journalistic licence” PTWM first troll rant in 2019 was due to her. PTWM then went for her family so she did a blog slagging off...
  12. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Well well well, a new tik tok was dropped today and FridaK instantly piped up about them negatively 🤔
  13. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Agree. I hope the tik tok creator makes one of this Hunter t. Plenty of footage available with her s postings. fing weirdo s.
  14. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Same. She starts with Rosie sparkles again. Boring old bastard. Old news and no one gives a s anyway, not even Rosie. What’s with the pink ribbon 😂😂 fing lunatic. I’ve second hand embarrassment for the t.
  15. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Did anyone catch her latest stories?! 😂😂 can we request an interpreter? What an absolute fing simpleton!
  16. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Don’t know who’s more of a sad moron, the actual tattle hunter s or this freak of nature. What a pair of wank socks
  17. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    You’ll be sting yourself Susan.
  18. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough! Meet ya outside my gaff in Muswell Hill. Fight fight fight 🥊
  19. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Then you are not who you claim to be 😂😂 joker
  20. Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

    Take your Welsh moody ass back to the secure unit you freak.