Alex brigham


New member
Feb 10, 2024
What are people thinking about alex?From what I have seen,people gifting a greenscreen to someone who likes to bully vulnerable women, doxed children, doxed addresses. He claims he lives with his misses but she sits and watches him all day? Manipulating gifters behind a greenscreen and claims to be a mental health advocate but is using vunerable people. Proof will be out in a few days, while his glory is short lived


Nov 11, 2023
What are people thinking about alex?From what I have seen,people gifting a greenscreen to someone who likes to bully vulnerable women, doxed children, doxed addresses. He claims he lives with his misses but she sits and watches him all day? Manipulating gifters behind a greenscreen and claims to be a mental health advocate but is using vunerable people. Proof will be out in a few days, while his glory is short lived
Who is vulnerable?
Nov 10, 2023
What are people thinking about alex?From what I have seen,people gifting a greenscreen to someone who likes to bully vulnerable women, doxed children, doxed addresses. He claims he lives with his misses but she sits and watches him all day? Manipulating gifters behind a greenscreen and claims to be a mental health advocate but is using vunerable people. Proof will be out in a few days, while his glory is short lived
Are you referring to Angie being vulnerable?

Angie who goes live daily and invites people into her box who are vacuous, argumentative araeholes who could cause a fight in a monastery? The Angie who says provocative and offensive things purely to get a reaction so an argument ensues and her LIVE views rise? The same Angie who is SO vulnerable that every single destructive behaviour of hers , such as excessively drinking at home, to going out alone in Central London and getting equally as drunk; is enabled by her moderators and ‘friends’ who claim to have her best interests at heart?

The same one who used to sit on live and watch Alex on her other phone, when he wasn’t talking about her at all, yet she would still sit and watch him and screen record him and eventually begin to talk s about him, so he would understandably rebuttal the nonsense she was talking?

That Angie yeah? She isn’t vulnerable at all.

And anyone who believes she is vulnerable, and has ever enabled any of this behaviour, be it excessive drinking, bullying, attacking people, making troll accounts etc, then they have assisted in making a vulnerable woman in even more danger. Yes, I’m looking at you Lynz.
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Are you referring to Angie being vulnerable?

Angie who goes live daily and invites people into her box who are vacuous, argumentative araeholes who could cause a fight in a monastery? The Angie who says provocative and offensive things purely to get a reaction so an argument ensues and her LIVE views rise? The same Angie who is SO vulnerable that every single destructive behaviour of hers , such as excessively drinking at home, to going out alone in Central London and getting equally as drunk; is enabled by her moderators and ‘friends’ who claim to have her best interests at heart?

The same one who used to sit on live and watch Alex on her other phone, when he wasn’t talking about her at all, yet she would still sit and watch him and screen record him and eventually begin to talk s about him, so he would understandably rebuttal the nonsense she was talking?

That Angie yeah? She isn’t vulnerable at all.

And anyone who believes she is vulnerable, and has ever enabled any of this behaviour, be it excessive drinking, bullying, attacking people, making troll accounts etc, then they have assisted in making a vulnerable woman in even more danger. Yes, I’m looking at you Lynz.
Perfectly put 👏🏼
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Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
I don’t blame Alex for not coming on camera. He has so many people out for his blood, why would he reveal himself? You had the likes of Q Lion on camera with his child and having us believe the narrative he spun, when he was a r*pist behind the scenes.

I’d rather someone didn’t show themselves, so I can go by their words, actions and behaviours and not an image they try to paint.

Don’t ever reveal your name or face on social media because as soon as someone with a screw loose disagrees with you - they’ll infect every part of your life.


Nov 11, 2023
I used to like Alex but he keeps saying I always come with evidence then says I’ll show tomorrow which never happens. He claimed one of Angie viewers Vegan is a convicted p 2 weeks ago and has never shown us.

His new claims Sheryl was a Lucy rose supporter and mod for 16 year old but he’ll show tomorrow 🙄
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Feb 29, 2024
I used to like Alex but he keeps saying I always come with evidence then says I’ll show tomorrow which never happens. He claimed one of Angie viewers Vegan is a convicted p 2 weeks ago and has never shown us.

His new claims Sheryl was a Lucy rose supporter and mod for 16 year old but he’ll show tomorrow 🙄
Goes at sheryl with that accusation exactly what that rat Kat did 🤔 she modded for Simba and gifted him Big. He was16/17
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Feb 29, 2024
What bothers me about Alex and co is that they display the same behaviour that they’re trying to out Angie for (bar the racism I believe) but it’s all excused because they’re friends. I’m not fan of Angie and also am no fan of lynz, but Alex and co do not have moral high ground. I think Alex is very calculated in the way he does things and I think he’s an extremely strange character. I don’t think there’s anything particularly sinister about him like Angie claims and I think him not showing his face is more of an insecurity thing rather than hiding himself. Going back to the text messages between Rebecca, even in the middle of their x rated chats, they’re still talking about Angie. I think both sides are equally as obsessed with each other but I think angies is more infatuation as she probably is secretly in love with him but I think with Alex, he just sees the views he gets talking about Angie and loves all the attention he gets from all the women in his box. I find it SO strange that his group can go from slating people like MT Mazza (and vice versa as they also spoke about them) but the second they’re not friends with Angie, they’re suddenly best friends. I don’t think any of them are good people and it’s so draining seeing all these lives happen constantly. Then with the text messaging, I thought it was extremely vile of him to jump in Michelle’s box and scream at Toni to say she was lying about him sending a pic! The revenge of it all from Rebecca was wrong and I do feel for him in that sense (kind of). But if Toni was lying, you wouldn’t have a police case!


Feb 24, 2024
The way he spoke to his girlfriend spoke volumes. He was the one in the wrong but called HER the liar and said she was playing the victim. It was pure gaslighting and manipulation. He lost his cool and forgot he was in a box with thousands of people watching. Nothing but a narcissist.

And before any of his minions come in saying his personal life is nobodies business I’d like to remind you that Alex went snooping onto Lynz Facebook and claimed to be in contact with two lads she used to know, one being an ex boyfriend. Why would he need to do that?

They’re all as obsessed with each other and it’s weird.


Dec 21, 2023
Alex is a classic narcissist, he cares more about his image on tiktok rather then his GF. Imagine going live and crying about not being able to tell the full "truth"... lad you sent your winky to another woman there's absolutely no excuse even if you were set up which is the narrative you are going to run..... you still cheated. In relation to your revenge corn claim (of the photo you apparently never sent) YOU also sent on leaked O.F photos of another creator to the woman you were cheating with so technically you are being a hypocrite 🙄

No More Guff

Feb 28, 2024
Alex is a classic narcissist, he cares more about his image on tiktok rather then his GF. Imagine going live and crying about not being able to tell the full "truth"... lad you sent your winky to another woman there's absolutely no excuse even if you were set up which is the narrative you are going to run..... you still cheated. In relation to your revenge corn claim (of the photo you apparently never sent) YOU also sent on leaked O.F photos of another creator to the woman you were cheating with so technically you are being a hypocrite 🙄

I don't understand what else can be said?

They set me up?
You still fell for it. So they achieved their goal.
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Feb 29, 2024
Alex isn’t there to light the fuse and sit back to watch it explode anymore and mables live hasn’t got enough traction yet. Either that or they’re all scared after tams arrest


Nov 10, 2023
@Idontbelieveit maybe, Mabel’s crawled out of her bed a few weeks ago but hadn’t been seen since the last do the fiesty drama before Christmas.

God knows why she thought she needed to get involved in Alex and Angie ffs she had missed 5487 chapters 🤣
Feb 29, 2024
Surprisingly, he seems like he wants it all to stop now. He’s said Angie has nothing to worry about cause she was end of line and that she’s said she wants to stop talking about him but people in boxes want to carry it on


Dec 21, 2023
Surprisingly, he seems like he wants it all to stop now. He’s said Angie has nothing to worry about cause she was end of line and that she’s said she wants to stop talking about him but people in boxes want to carry it on
Him and angie definitely have spoken outside of the app and obviously come to an agreement they are both being too nice about each other today


Feb 28, 2024
Off on tour