
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @7Veritas4: You couldn't make it up.

"He loves HIS country". Not YOURS, you nimwit🤦‍♀️

If ever there was an example of utter and complete insane idiocy. Oh lord please save us



R to @DimSum345678: Unbelievable.

This is such a clear cut case. The poor girl was OUTED.

Some women just can't help hating on other women



How old is she? 30? 35?

How do you get to that age without anybody ever pulling you aside and explaining that you cannot treat other humans like that?

Especially ones working all hours in a god awful minimum wage job. Yes it's worse.



R to @TonyEva92385840: Wait, why does it say I'll be in jail soon?

For what?

I'm confused.



R to @Entropy345: Thank you.

That is a very high level of empathy and understanding of our situation.




R to @TonyEva92385840: Bring it on I say.

Would love to become a meme on twitter.

However I doubt very much the little group of witches sitting around their cauldron have the power or reach to make anyone a meme.

They can't even reach me!



R to @bennywarren: They don't!

Then again they probably shouldn't take me on as myself OR as Esther.



R to @curtiboy: Beats me.

I mean - is it possible she had a beef with somebody there?

I'm reaching. Because the idea that she randomly wanted to kill a bunch of people in a restaurant is so abhorrent I don't want to believe it.



R to @Tristanshouts: Hell to the yes!

I LOVE you for this!

The "gracefully" word is the HEIGHT of misogyny. It makes me so angry. It is the definition of disingenuousness.



R to @curtiboy: Me too.

I wonder if they are born with it or if it is something we have created by not ever showing the effects of violence etc on human bodies..