
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @BrianGasmo: I understand - didn't mean to go off at you personally. Just the pervasive indoctrination via tabloid press and social media.



R to @JenniferDawe: No you're right. Good point.

The crap they have to put up with..



R to @lokiesteve: There was an interesting theory yesterday that it was just one supermarket and it was the same photo being shared over and over.. 🙄

Give them time!




R to @Sian1972Sian: Omg. 😭

I am so pleased you are with somebody who loves you now.

I hope your ex rots too!



R to @Brodie_Dog: Yes I was thinking that yesterday.

Got smothered in idiot MAGA replies to something I said - but absolutely none of the interesting retorts were visible. Until I actually looked them up.




@Freshpet What have you done?

My 2 yo dog Emma has taken to sitting on the floor next to the refrigerator until I finally give up and hand her another of your Dog Joy treats!

She has never been interested in treats before! (Or dog food for that matter)

She's very happy!