
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @KeyzersozeBlue: If it took you five tries then I probably shouldn't even attempt it today! 😁

I take it it's not an every day word?



R to @AliceEvansGruff: I mean, if it was me I would get your wife to fly to Rome and then you fly from Stuttgart to meet her there and...

The Lake District will be nice, but it will be crowded and the amenities won't be brilliant, and it could actually be somewhat chilly in June!



R to @KeyzersozeBlue: Actually the UK is very safe for driving. Weirdly it's one of the most courteous countries I have ever driven in.

I say if your hearts are set on it then plan a trajectory and gently persuade her that you can rent a car.

But take the TRAIN to Manchester!



R to @KumaRhyu: I never said anything like that. Ever.

I have the very email I sent him.

What he said was a lie.



R to @invernessie: Thanks.
It would be really nice if you could look to the actual source in some of these situations.

There is so much that I have been gagged from saying.

I'm alone and quite scared.



R to @Proops56: Thank you SO MUCH!

We have just, finally got to a good place. Things are looking up.

I don't know how I will cope if it all gets dredged up again.



R to @wls_almostthere: Thank you so much. ❤️

I'm terrified that my story will be made even more fictitious and more public - I've only just managed to calm down from the storm of the last two years. 😳



R to @KeyzersozeBlue: It might be advisable to be honest.

If you were both spending a month in London I could see you doing it. But as it is? It is going to be quite tricky and uncomfortable and as you know - the UK is not very customer friendly!



R to @wls_almostthere: My god I am so sorry to hear this.

It's so utterly heat-breaking and shocking isn't it?

And I don't think it's always a one way thing - like I can see where I went wrong to - but once the lawyers get involved its just so scary and intense. 😭

I hope you're better now! ❤️



R to @wls_almostthere: I hear you absolutely. And if I were allowed to comment on my case I would tell you how many similarities there were!

The SM images hurt, for sure. 💔😭

Thank you for sharing your story.



NONE of this ever happened.

None of it. It's completely invented. Ask my kids, ask my friends, ask my babysitter.

I will happily testify under oath. Or polygraph.


Please - think before you bring an innocent person down. 💔