
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


Thank you for sharing this awful situation that you were witness to, James.

Where is the human empathy?




R to @BettyBowers: Omg - this answers three of the questions I col nod's work out!

Thank you!



R to @Out5p0ken: Me too!

It would have been easier to switch fast from the golf cart though



R to @jamesfarrar: Oh no....

That's terrible. Can you keep us posted?

I'm really upset by this, as I'm sure you were and many others online are.




R to @Homeoffree61: I have gone through this exact same process!

Are you looking back and questioning things that with hindsight were not ok?

With therapy I have seen a pattern of me giving WAY too much in nearly all of my relationships.



R to @Homeoffree61: I think that's probably true. I gave a lot to cover up low self-esteem.

But if you are to ask my friends of long ago they would be shocked to hear that. I never appeared as such.



R to @TaMos59534027: Yes. (of course, except in the expensive gated communities where the rich pay for their own roads!)



Please don't do this.
You may think you're helping your idol but you're not.
You're constantly adding negativity wherever his name is brought up by a genuine fan. It's not good for anyone.

I believe both myself and my ex have moved on.
Please respect that and do the same.🙏



R to @trisa24: Yes I am definitely coming!

The "AlwaysandForever" website has me on it and I am going to make a personal video this week!




R to @Homeoffree61: I've said this before Susie but you are an incredible inspiration.

I feel like you get me. It has happened with others, but very rarely!

So glad I ran into you on this platform.
Thank you so much for everything you have done for others. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



R to @Entropy345: beautiful but I have to admit to a (very small) stab of envy!

I have tried so many times and failed!

go girl!



R to @runwithwolves6: Yes! Exactly this 🔼

The more I hear about the horror some of his clients had been through, the fact that he came to them and pledged to protect them and help them. At their lowest ebb..

..when all along he was looking to steal their money.

I want to vomit.



R to @petermacdonald5: Why are you saying this?

Go Away!

This is a thread for a person who has just lost her son!

My God have you no respect?



R to @AntoniaRolls: I'm so unbelievably sorry. This has really choked me up.

I know that words are useless in these situations but please know that lots of us are thinking of you and you may feel alone but you're not.

Sending all the love possible. 💔



R to @Entropy345: I love the comparison!!!

it probably would be, come to think of it...