
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @AliceEvansGruff: You liked my tweet, @MorningStrFarms - so will you take the hint and make MOUNTAINS of sausage links?




R to @gc0123456: I have no idea.
I joined about 8 years ago.
2 days later a tick appeared. 🤷‍♀️

FB used to drive me mad with the fake Alice Evans accounts. there has never been one here that I know of.



R to @gc0123456: Sorry it's cold! It's actually quite cold here but not in the UK sense of cold!

I block the abusers. Or sometimes if there's a gang I block all except one. It's amazing how they back down when they can't find their fellow abusers! 😂



R to @gc0123456: They love the drinking thing. They're not very smart so it's the best they can come up with.

They also like to take shots at my kids ("those poor kids") because... uh.. they're somehow psychic or they live secretly in my house!

Oh + apparently I hit people! (I don't, but🤷‍♀️😂)



R to @gc0123456: Thank you. I have wonderful kids and an incredible support group in life and online.

I love people. I love talking. I try to concentrate on what I'm grateful for. You are adorable!



R to @gc0123456: Aw, thank you.

It can get hard sometimes but I always tell myself it's nothing compared to what some people in this world are going through - war, famine, all types of abuse. I try to give back and be kind.



R to @gc0123456: Not since the pandemic!

It's the longest I've ever not been. I haven't traveled anywhere. It feels a bit weird after years of taking 50 odd planes a year!



R to @AliceEvansGruff: Just told this to Ella and she laughed but would like to make it clear that she personally is NOT into Harry Styles but was quoting somebody from TikTok who speaks with a cockney accent.

I'm not going to ask any questions..😂



R to @ericareport: Oh gross. Can you imagine the dirty dribbling old geezers getting all excited about PROBING a poor woman on the details of her a.

I bet there's a waitlist already to be on the panel 🤮



R to @shrimpzandgritz: Pardon the irrelevance to the thread, but do shrimp and grits go well together?



R to @TonyEva92385840: We like doing it.

Why do you read them?

(in response to a classic disingenuous faux-perplexed "Why do you do it? It's peculiar.)

Nothing more peculiar than obsessing over celebrities they don't even know! (Wait for it: So you think you're a celebrity? answer: Yes. so sue me)



R to @shrimpzandgritz: Wait - just noting all this down.

As a Brit it might be hot tea, non sweetened. Would that still work?