
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @TonyEva92385840: You're so sweet.

A few days ago somebody tweeted me:

"Everything you have gotten in life has just fallen into your lap. You're the luckiest person ever. Now you're done and have to go after likes on twitter"

I had to laugh. I have HUSTLED my entire life. Nothing has come easy



Overheard my 13yo on phone to friend:

"Yes well I'm really into Aristotle at the moment"

I couldn't help it. I rushed in, elated.

Me:Where did you read about Aristotle??
M:ARISTOTLE! You just said it!
13:I said "Harry Styles". Who is Harry Stotle?

M:Oh, nobody🙄



R to @TonyEva92385840: Yep. I think we were born with it.

Maybe comes from Dad.

Maybe from parents who didn't really give a s! 😂



R to @TonyEva92385840: We're not sure.
And we'd have to ask the old man but we can't because we haven't "apologized"

Also the old man doesn't really know.

I do know that we have no knowledge of his heritage though. He was a North Walian boy that grew up with horses.



R to @simbratca: It's nuts isn't it?

They know absolutely NOTHING and yet they spend hours and hours trying to invent things I have done.

If you have to invent them, why?

My kids LOVE me. I laugh when I see "I just feel sorry for those poor kids" LOL!



R to @KarenMuni1: Yeah - it's weird.

I have hated people before, but only because they have done things to me or somebody I love.

Can't understand this hatred of somebody because you fancy your chances with her soon to be ex-husband.



R to @TonyEva92385840: he did have empathy I think.

but there were some strange goings on that we were never privy to.



R to @MLMPrivate: Exactly.
When I was doing my final exams at Uni, (I did languages) we would have these translations and since every other language has a he or a she you would write "le" or "la" or "Il" or 'lei" then I would fing doubt myself and change it!

I was ALWAYS right the first time



R to @mikebrouse: I dunno. I was interested in addiction to be honest.

I'm a binger but have never been addicted. I gave up smoking cold turkey. I wanted to know what real addiction was like and it definitely helped.

I was just a bit upset by some of the other things he said!



R to @e43046669: I swear I thought she said Aristotle!

Although looking back that would have been weird.

I think I have selective hearing...😂

(Anyway I have been told not to run into her room and do that again when she's on the phone!Eek!)



R to @William80042317: I know right.
Have you been tested for MS? My Rhuemy used to send me to a neurologist quite regularly to test for that and ALS and other just to eliminate.. When she says "I feel mad that I didn't get it checked earlier.."

Reminds me we have to keep checking for everything.😳



R to @e43046669: It wasn't weird!

I run in all the time. And out.

And she was laughing too.

She says stuff like this but she also says she loves having a slightly eccentric mum!



R to @malcolm_alison: I don't know if I would call it a 'problem'.

It just didn't leave a very good taste in my mouth. It kind of spoiled the book for me.