
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Tassostronza: What? No I haven't. I'd jump on a job in LA if there was one. But join the queue, girlfriend. Everybody wants to work here.

Kids need at least one parent to be at home. You'll find that out. You just can't both go off and do your own thing.



R to @Tassostronza: Sei matta?

Ho lavorato. Lavorerei. Senno come faccio con due bimbe scusa?

insomma lascia stare.



R to @rickygervais: Oh go on then Grandparents Cars and Pets.

my kids will be fine😂



R to @Apc1999Chocks: Actually where I live it's very outsidey. Full of little walks and trees and greenery and a lot of hiking.

But yes that last bit you said does bring up a tear!



R to @AliceEvansGruff: Because the only jobs I'm being considered for are a plane trip and several overnights away.

It's against the law I think to leave kids "Home-Alone" for long periods of time.

If a job turns up here in LA - and it could - I'd be the first to stick my hand up



R to @AliceEvansGruff: Uh, I just went down your timeline.

You are nothing but a troll!

3 kids, single mom 23k a year and you still survive! Where? Childcare for me when I do work is twice that a year.

Where on earth do you live?



R to @Apc1999Chocks: We do have a lot of logs fires here though, and country walks. And our houses are all made of wood!

It's the compete opposite of, New York City, say.



R to @Pops__o: Yep, unless you're in the US then you start getting hit up about Thanksgiving plans.

Thanksgiving should really be like in March or something.



R to @evenyoubrutal: You're right. You're bad at at twitter.

I wish I could help you. But your WAY too bad. Like, so bad nobody has ever through of it before. I'll check it out, but you may not in fact be under guarantee...