
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @ayemlinda: No.

My poor friends who had inited her were mortified.

Only the mask had arrived. Not the cloak or the pants.

After the initial shock though they were all so kind and Elsie didn't seem to mind!



R to @Wilderauthor: He can't. He's already served his two terms.

Michelle could, though!



R to @TinyTerrorsMom: Yep. They are Satan's onions and they turn up in all sorts or unexpected places. 🤮



R to @Wilderauthor: Wouldn't she? I mean...

I think she's probably served her country quite enough though now. She must be exhausted. Still...🤞



R to @purbrooktony: OMG.

What a song.

And you still have a record player I am so jealous! It's beautiful!



R to @wicksta: I actually prefer "actress".

It's what I've aways been. I am female. I like having our own word.

Just me though. Don't go asking the guardian or anything!



R to @Wilderauthor: Aw! Those dreams! I alway have one that she tells me she is going to die, but not when. I plead and plead with her to give me notice but she says she can't. She died suddenly, and I thin that is my brain processing that.

Sending so much love my fantastic friend.



R to @chuerta1: Yes me too I remember reading that book.

Do you remember the bit where he comes to NYC to go to college and he can't get hold the people he is supposed to stay with on the first night so he sleeps rough?

THAT'S what you want in a politician. S/o who has seen good + bad times.



R to @linds_dreamer: Right?

When did it suddenly become taboo for us to have our own descriptives?