Yes, so if he made that money through the barn developments, sold it like he said, why wasnt it declared on companies house, or maybe he got a small % amount from barn development sale, .... the GFM, the charity money, the book 50k... if the cars were leased, that would pay for some/most of it, the 700k thats come in from Northdale barn sale, did they get all of that or just a %.....
Ma bakers social media silence more or less started after the house was removed as sold from estate agents, and money went in somebodys bank account.... bit of a coincidence........
And yes he did make his account private, but he was a "Cancer Influencer, " they dont have private accounts, ...defeats the object, maybe it was to stop the "trolls" finding out more, or to stop HMRC checking like you say, werent people threatening to report him at the time, .....or to stop his nurses and doctors reading stuff.....stop the police from checking....
Ma bakers social media silence more or less started after the house was removed as sold from estate agents, and money went in somebodys bank account.... bit of a coincidence........
And yes he did make his account private, but he was a "Cancer Influencer, " they dont have private accounts, ...defeats the object, maybe it was to stop the "trolls" finding out more, or to stop HMRC checking like you say, werent people threatening to report him at the time, .....or to stop his nurses and doctors reading stuff.....stop the police from checking....
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