No fictitious print date for the fictitious book from the fictitious third party printers yet???
Spot onI think they were both very busy with the laundry. Flash clothes, bragging, cars, houses, businesses, lifestyle, holidays, hotels, meals. When you get money 'easily' it goes easily and that pair never had much between them at all. A basic house and a dodgy past, she owned the previous house. He was far too flash, gave away too much information online, could not stop boasting and never worked. It was all a fantasy life like a lottery winner. Then getting greedy with the book, the online coaching, GFM, etc. He craved fame after a sad and dodgy life. She was in on it all and he said he was scared of her. He was so false and desperate to be liked.
Yep, he's so not dead!!Laughing about it on fb with a friend.....we all saw the post.....
True. I don’t really believe he’s in prison myself however on the point about online news coverage, his sister is a solicitor and has had stuff removed about him online before. So just because we can’t find activities related to him online doesn’t mean it’s because they were never reported.There would of been local newspaper coverage I'm sure, hes been in the local papers a few times, they covered his cancer story snd the fake book...
That’s probably why she got the stuff removed to help her not him.Yes true, but thought she had washed her hands of him, in her line of work, you dont want him dragging you down....
Just out of curiosity why didnt she do the same with Tattle, bain of his life.....