Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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The question you won’t answer. Why have pictures on your phone when you need to focus on your own household
Maybe the answer is she should of gone to specsavers, you do look like an absolute div though say saying s worse than angie yet your in angies thread screams attention seeking. I'd get to bed as being t seems like full time job ✌
Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
Lisa, she sat in Angies box today and ran her mouth about me when i hadn't spoken about her in days ffs
she brings me up all the time when im not even talking about her so i then talk about her but clearly you only see when i respond ffs
I've got all the legit evidence with dates and times including her eviction letters and debt letters stemming back from years ago before she was even on tiktok
people have all the social work records proving she has abused her foster kids that's why shes ran to the police if it was fake why would she go to the police and care about fake records?
I've got the proof of her taking cocaine from her own mouth admitting to being on it the whole time which means since shes publicly said shes always with the kids she takes it around them.

and that's just some of the things we collectively have

do you really believe every single thing that's been shown and said is lies
are you really that naive
I'm not naive in any way, shape or form but I am a loyal friend. Even if I don't agree with something someone does, I'd tell them my opinion & move on from it. I wouldn't just turn my back on someone who hasn't done anything bad to me.
Of course there are certain things I would never condone like SA or abuse against a minor. She has never done any of those things. And as for Maz. Ask yourself why she pretended to me that she was going to end her life because Feisty wasn't going to take her back. I stayed up all night talking her out of it. She took the piss out of me. She was faking. IF Feisty was all of the things she said, why did she want her back so badly?? Come on, you can't be that Naive either eh? Maz literally threatened Feisty's son. You all saw it. I saw it. Maz tried to explain her reasons to me! We do video calls, I've seen Feisty with her kids. The kids are smarlty dressed, clean and very polite and come across as very intelligent. They love her & she loves them. There are absolutely no signs of neglect or abuse there whatsoever. That's my honest opinion.
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