Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 13, 2024


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Feb 29, 2024
Morning fellow fers fell asleep early didn’t think much was going on but reading about Emz I’m glad I didn’t see it. She has some deep rooted issues and TikTok need to keep her off and she needs to get the help she needs. I dread to think how many people saw that and was ‘hate the word’ but triggered.
what happened with emz ??


Feb 29, 2024
Mar 19, 2024
For me Rhys was like the ultimate canon event.
It felt like before him, every week someone was being uncovered as deceptive in some way. There was an almost weekly scandal happening. And then the people doing 'FYP gossip' became addicted to finding and documenting exposures and take downs...Criminal records, scams, manipulation, charity fraud, criminal allegations. I watched Rhys as i found him more tolerable than all the others and couldnt actually work out why he would be their friend when he seemed 'so nice'. Then HE was 'exposed' as being thoroughly unpleasant and it made me realise that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the people that ask for money on Tiktok are not to be trusted. The leaderboard is overly representative of people with criminal records. To trust the words or actions of someone streaming live at face value is one of the most naive things you can do in the present day. People are so vocally distrusting of mainstream media but will believe what Only Tony Official told them cos 'hes a real one, tony speaks the truf innit'.
On one of Rhys first ever shows he had a girl on with her mum and they basically did some fund Raiser bucket list thing for her and I thought wow, what a beautiful soul and community helping this family..I then notice he plugs it alot and big creators get involved but everyone's going on about how it was Rhys idea.. it wasn't!! I was in that live and it was a couple of girls who were friends with the girl in the box who got the ball rolling and he took full credit. Nasty.
And then I found out the girl in the box talking about her parents being severely unwell was one of his friends and mods! It's like he used her sob story (no offence at all if you see this darling!!) But it's like he used her story to get some notoriety at what a lovely guy he is.
It's a NO from me.
Mar 19, 2024
One thing that’s always bugged me about the Clapper messages, was the fact Red sat there and let all of her mates s of her loyal bestie J and J just took it like the b she is! There was a group chat that J wasn’t involved in even though she’s her bestie… doesn’t add up to me! J also partly took blame for sending the Clapper videos around, so there must have been another group chat the videos were sent too! 👀

I can’t wait for the day J realises Donna isn’t really her friend becuse the Tea is gonna be juicy! I know for a fact J is hiding some serious secrets for Donna and the stuff she used to do on tiktok before she was miss beg!
It was no secret, Rhys and J hated each other. Now personally if I were Red I'd of had Js back and kicked Rhys to the curb. She barely knew him in comparison. Shameful behaviour.


Feb 29, 2024
In regards to your kids, it should be you looking out for your kids. It should never be anyone else. But when this is said about tam, its because she has a 98% conviction rate! I've known tam on a personal level for a year, but best believe i watched stings on fb. How can anyone call her a nonce with chest when she got the nonces.
Oh do off you boring crank. This is not directed at tam, just you because you’re a big fat flip flop and I don’t like what I’ve seen on tiktok.
Mar 6, 2024
Yeah, from what I saw when she was showing her wounds, I didn't have any concern of any of them being significant wounds - I mean tbh, brett is the last person she needs, but then again who on tiktok would really be good for emz who she talks to? Gemma? Hell no, cla? Definitely not. Tbh when she came back on with Brett, she was showing the blood but she wasn't crying or distressed even then.
What I saw she was smiling tbh 🤨


Mar 5, 2024
Emz gave tiktok the entertainment it demands. Wayne's trying to build a platform on his 'outrage straight talking compassionate' bullshit. He's a woman hating t. Ang is bully live. Sheryl is a t. Kev is free, free, free. Creators who think they're the Kings not the pawns, need to do off back to My Space. The main character, is the most played.

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
With regards to Emz , she's a manipulator and knows how well she can control the narrative at times. She knows just as well as Angie does what brings views in and unfortunately it's car crash tv. She knows when she SH's it's never superficial , none of the wounds are ever deep or need hospital attention , she has a big history of doing this kind of stuff when she doesn't get her own way. She does need help and I won't take that away from somebody who maybe is struggling to a degree , but she will never help herself because the sympathy pours in and she knows it will be spoken about for days and the middle aged worriers of hers will smother her in money and love. She needs professional help but won't take it , she knows without her alcohol she is boring and won't bring any money in , wouldn't know a full days work if it hit her in the face and constantly gets abusive towards the emergency services , I'm more angry that the people who see this pattern time and time again still decide to ring the police/ambulance service whilst they're greatly needed elsewhere.
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