Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
How did I wet myself because I said I didn’t like bazza or millsy so you accused me of having a personal vendetta against someone I don’t know personally 🤣 have a day off you senile t!
Nah, I think I’ll stay here and affect you as you’re so rude and touchy. Maybe I’ll mention someone else later and I can be than as well. I don’t fall for wankers like you who are just aggressive coz they’re in message board and think it’s ok. You’re not special, I hope that doesn’t hurt to hear.
Mar 15, 2024
I'm sorry, but I get that Talia has her flaws, but I do really feel like it's bothered Miss Red because Talia, didn't worship her like others do, and said your FYP is s. I feel like because someone had a negative opinion on her, and wasn't afraid to voice it, it's really wound her up! 😂

Personally I love Tyrone covering Tiktok drama, because he will cover just about everything and does not take sides at all, he generally does report very unbiased, and calls it out as he sees it!

& saying its backfired on Talia because Ricksta has dumped her... big loss (not) anyone is better of without Ricksta 😂
Feb 29, 2024
Calm down hun👵 It will be ok. You seem to give a s seeing as you’re acting like a fing teenage edgelord over a comment and being a little b. You’re in comment cafe love, not the mafia.
You said cringe lord and edge lord…. you’re deffo a fat incel (Bazza) clearly you are affected that I don’t like Bazza! It’s weird behaviour! As for calling me a b…. That’s also very bazza of you! And if you hate my opinion so much you know where the ignore button is 🤣 and this is the mafia babe and I’m well respected 😈🤣
Feb 28, 2024
Jesus Christ, who is throwing accusations around ?? Actually you can stop acting like a fing hard t you fing cringelord. I don’t give a do about Bazza or any of the other pricks I’m here for a bit of banter and you wet yourself coz I made a comment. fing get a grip you Wally.
having impartially observed this back and forth, it comes across that you are the one that is going very ott and making a big fuss. you said your opinion and they disagreed with you, i dont think they are acting 'hard' ?


Yeah, but even for her thats such a odd thing to think off.. like of all the things she could have clapped with at Elphie, and use incest? See miss red thinks it's elphie that used EQ, but I think it was equal, it using eachother for clout!
Dread hates Elpha with a passion she was raging when EQ and Elpha became friends, she even tried to talk EQ out of it but EQ won't be told by anyone what to do. EQ was falling off- in fact they both were. But didn't EQ also say Miss Dread was pregnant with her own sons child? It's not the first time she's come out with insest. Yet Dim Donna seems to forget EQ said the same thing about her.
Mar 15, 2024
Also, what's so special about Aunt Sally? Because they all love Aunt Sally and put her on a pedalstal then we all have too? Like if anyone dares disrepect Sally, your instantly summoned infront of a jury and judged 😂 Aunt Sally hasn't really displayed anything thing to me, to make her above anyone else 😂 to me she's just someone in the older generation who's just figured out how tiktok works and hangs with 'in crowd' 😂

Mrs f

Mar 9, 2024
I'm sorry, but I get that Talia has her flaws, but I do really feel like it's bothered Miss Red because Talia, didn't worship her like others do, and said your FYP is s. I feel like because someone had a negative opinion on her, and wasn't afraid to voice it, it's really wound her up! 😂

Personally I love Tyrone covering Tiktok drama, because he will cover just about everything and does not take sides at all, he generally does report very unbiased, and calls it out as he sees it!

& saying its backfired on Talia because Ricksta has dumped her... big loss (not) anyone is better of without Ricksta 😂
We love tyrone

Noah peel

Feb 24, 2024
Darkside of the moon
Red fyp is biased, showing the same people, same faces in the boxes all agreeing with Red and not challenging anything she or her friends say
The fact that she’s not once mentioned Angie just shows that cos she can’t say that she’s seen nothing cos it’s literally been everywhere and as most of her friends (Pearl) was heavily involved it would of been high up on her fyp


Mar 16, 2024
Also, what's so special about Aunt Sally? Because they all love Aunt Sally and put her on a pedalstal then we all have too? Like if anyone dares disrepect Sally, your instantly summoned infront of a jury and judged 😂 Aunt Sally hasn't really displayed anything thing to me, to make her above anyone else 😂 to me she's just someone in the older generation who's just figured out how tiktok works and hangs with 'in crowd' 😂
Firstly the gifts she throws around.
Secondly the brownie points for 'protecting' an older woman as if by some miracle it cancels out their usual narcissistic behaviour
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