Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 15, 2024
Dread hates Elpha with a passion she was raging when EQ and Elpha became friends, she even tried to talk EQ out of it but EQ won't be told by anyone what to do. EQ was falling off- in fact they both were. But didn't EQ also say Miss Dread was pregnant with her own sons child? It's not the first time she's come out with insest. Yet Dim Donna seems to forget EQ said the same thing about her.
Don't get me wrong, I can't stand elphie, their behaviour is absolutely awful, and I think the excuse of 'she's only young' has grew too old now, she's old enough to know right from wrong, and to take accountability for her behaviour, and some of the things she has done on tiktok, have been morally wrong, but I do feel that even if she turned it around, they would still always find something to nitpick at 💁‍♀️

Mrs f

Mar 9, 2024
Ngl I don’t like Talia. I haven’t since I’ve come across her last year.

But if creators are going to have big platforms like Red, she has to realise she is open to criticism. And people will talk about her and disagree with her. She is also very biased.
I'd never heard of her till she went for miss beg yesterday
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Mar 15, 2024
Firstly the gifts she throws around.
Secondly the brownie points for 'protecting' an older woman as if by some miracle it cancels out their usual narcissistic behaviour
I mean the only elderly people I'm gunna protect, and worship is my grandparents. I'm all for respecting your elders, but that doesn't come without mutual respect both ways. There's this whole idea that regardless of what an eldery person does they should still be respected because they are an elder, in my mind it doesn't work like that, if you respect me, I'll respect you, simple.


Mar 1, 2024
I'm sorry, but I get that Talia has her flaws, but I do really feel like it's bothered Miss Red because Talia, didn't worship her like others do, and said your FYP is s. I feel like because someone had a negative opinion on her, and wasn't afraid to voice it, it's really wound her up! 😂

Personally I love Tyrone covering Tiktok drama, because he will cover just about everything and does not take sides at all, he generally does report very unbiased, and calls it out as he sees it!

& saying its backfired on Talia because Ricksta has dumped her... big loss (not) anyone is better of without Ricksta 😂
She's not even covering FYP... Half her viewers don't even know who Talia is? It's boring show some reels ... It's like pulling teeth ... GET THE do ON WITH THE FYP
Feb 29, 2024
You said cringe lord and edge lord…. you’re deffo a fat incel (Bazza) clearly you are affected that I don’t like Bazza! It’s weird behaviour! As for calling me a b…. That’s also very bazza of you! And if you hate my opinion so much you know where the ignore button is 🤣 and this is the mafia babe and I’m well respected 😈🤣
Not Bazza again 🤔 now it’s a personal attack on him being fat. Oh dear oh dear. You really are into this guy.

Did you just flex being ‘well respected’ on a message board 🫠🫠

Oh hunny. Stay affected.
Mar 15, 2024
I'd never heard of her till she went for miss beg yesterday
I don't think she's the worst person on tiktok, she has said some questionable things, but everyone of those 'main characters' have also said some absolutely disgraceful things. Pearl has, alex has, luke has, red has, J has and so on, it really does appear to be one rule for some and something completely different for someone else.
Mar 16, 2024
Ah, here you all are!
You guys are bad influences, I was live and got banned because I was calling everyone fs instead of Kents, apparently that's bullying and harassment!
I am appealing and told TT it's all CCs fault coz they taught me the C word and now I can't stop using it and perhaps they should just get rid of the fs then I wouldn't have to use the word fs and whoever is responsible for banning me, they're also a t and TT, you're a t too! 🤣🤣🤣
Mar 16, 2024
Ok, so maybe TT isn't such a t but oh well 🤣🤣🤣
Feb 28, 2024
miss red doesnt like talia because she thinks she's a better singer. I actually dont know anytthing about talia other than Ricksta has made her find the lord and that she has good hair. I cant even remember her voice but it cant be that bad if she was on x factor.


Don't get me wrong, I can't stand elphie, their behaviour is absolutely awful, and I think the excuse of 'she's only young' has grew too old now, she's old enough to know right from wrong, and to take accountability for her behaviour, and some of the things she has done on tiktok, have been morally wrong, but I do feel that even if she turned it around, they would still always find something to nitpick at 💁‍♀️
Of course they will and if Elpha sat with 50 viewers every day then Elpha wouldn't even be mentioned. Dread ain't stupid she knows Elpha has more haters than genuine viewers so she'll slate elpha so her haters come running. Its all about the clout -The same with Cla. It's the same s day in and day out, and the same bunch of wankers in her dusty boxes.
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