Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
I’m not a pineapple fan and certainly not a Flangie fan either. Angie claiming pineapple has reported her maliciously will not stand. Angie started the hate campaign against pineapple which got all the other creators in on it too. That’s inciting hate. Secondly, you was digging to have her kids names, and asking people to find out what they are as well as her address. That could be seen as stalking/harassment!
Angie, you’re a full blown t who needs dragging out your house in your dressing gown, and slapping repeatedly until you realise you are not untouchable!!
I'm with you 100% , I think if she hadn't of involved kids this may have blown over , the fact she was asking for the names of Pineapples children so her minions could go stalking is what made Pineapple go to the police.


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
Right is it just me or does that whole police situation seem strange as do.
They turn up at her door to say they are here because she has been giving out information on tiktok about miss jones. When she asked who that was they said we have just been told to call her miss jones. They then go on to say that they don’t know if she has or hasn’t said/done what’s been alleged, but they still come out anyway. They told her Hampshire police are dealing with it but have her no details, I’ve dealt with the police enough times in my life to know they should have provided her with the details of the investigating officer, the exact details of the reported crime - what’s she done, when she done it ect and they should have provided her with the crime reference number.
They can’t just turn up and say we don’t know if you have or haven’t done what’s been accused but you need to stop.
The math is not mathing for me 🤔🤔🤔
Mar 8, 2024

OK what's going down and where? Angie had police at her house? Seems like a helluva lot went down in the wee hours?
Mar 11, 2024
Right is it just me or does that whole police situation seem strange as do.
They turn up at her door to say they are here because she has been giving out information on tiktok about miss jones. When she asked who that was they said we have just been told to call her miss jones. They then go on to say that they don’t know if she has or hasn’t said/done what’s been alleged, but they still come out anyway. They told her Hampshire police are dealing with it but have her no details, I’ve dealt with the police enough times in my life to know they should have provided her with the details of the investigating officer, the exact details of the reported crime - what’s she done, when she done it ect and they should have provided her with the crime reference number.
They can’t just turn up and say we don’t know if you have or haven’t done what’s been accused but you need to stop.
The math is not mathing for me 🤔🤔🤔
Starting to think Cla and Angie have the same police contacts on speed dial from the website


Feb 29, 2024
Right is it just me or does that whole police situation seem strange as do.
They turn up at her door to say they are here because she has been giving out information on tiktok about miss jones. When she asked who that was they said we have just been told to call her miss jones. They then go on to say that they don’t know if she has or hasn’t said/done what’s been alleged, but they still come out anyway. They told her Hampshire police are dealing with it but have her no details, I’ve dealt with the police enough times in my life to know they should have provided her with the details of the investigating officer, the exact details of the reported crime - what’s she done, when she done it ect and they should have provided her with the crime reference number.
They can’t just turn up and say we don’t know if you have or haven’t done what’s been accused but you need to stop.
The math is not mathing for me 🤔🤔🤔
Hampshire police have obviously seen the evidence enough for them to tell the met to go to Angies to tell her to stop . they don't need to give Angie anything at this point because she is the perpetrator not the victim and its just a caution . If Angie is arrested (god i hope so ) then that's a different story they have to disclose then other wise suck it up Angie 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Roxy Mitchell

Mar 5, 2024
Listen, you do the crime then you do the time. Pineapple was prosecuted for it years ago, and in the grand scheme of things it really is a petty crime. No one was killed, or a. I’m not defending pineapple but she won’t be the first and certainly won’t be the last to scam from a charity. But ask yourselves why she did it? Desperate times perhaps? I’m not making excuses for it but Angie allowed her minions to run with the narrative of “oh pineapple prevented children from having treatment!” No she prevented them from having tvs on the ward, that’s what the money was raised for. Again, I don’t give a s, no one was physically harmed. Therefore what was the need to run the smear campaign?
I still remember Angie crying on her live about how it’s affected her! do off flangie you smelly drunk, you affect a lot of people daily with your lies and bullshit!
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Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
Hampshire police have obviously seen the evidence enough for them to tell the met to go to Angies to tell her to stop . they don't need to give Angie anything at this point because she is the perpetrator not the victim and its just a caution . If Angie is arrested (god i hope so ) then that's a different story they have to disclose then other wise suck it up Angie 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Yes but even if it is a caution you still have to be read your Miranda rights otherwise the caution is null and void. Also Hampshire police would still need the met to provide her with basic information, such as the factual details of the crime, not well we don’t know if you have or haven’t, investigating officer, crime reference ect otherwise they open themselves up to harassment cases with the IOPC. I know cos I’ve taken Cheshire police to IOPC for harassment & won.
I think the whole thing is one big set up to deflect from the last couple of days.
Angie is known to be a fing liar and I don’t believe this situation one bit. It’s funny how s happens whenever she needs to deflect away from her own sty behaviour.
Mar 24, 2024
Yes but even if it is a caution you still have to be read your Miranda rights otherwise the caution is null and void. Also Hampshire police would still need the met to provide her with basic information, such as investigating officer and crime reference otherwise they open themselves up to harassment cases with the IOPC. I know cos I’ve taken Cheshire police to IOPC for harassment & won.
I think the whole thing is one big set up to deflect from the last couple of days.
Angie is known to be a fing liar and I don’t believe this situation one bit. It’s funny how s happens whenever she needs to deflect away from her own sty behaviour.
Playing very dangerous games Mangie
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