Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Share it far and wide guys. Also, why the do is Kazzy so friendly with Demi? This is Kazzy saying Angie has more involvement with Demi than anyone. Dunno if uploaded right? 😂
I’ve posted this on my TikTok but I opted not to tag any of you here because of the PLM involvement and some want to avoid that altogether which I respect. Only share if you feel comfortable. Or even better upload it yourself 🤎🤎🤎


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
You know what I found most interesting in this comment, I never even knew you hadn’t been around here for long. I’d always assumed you just joined around the time when everyone else did, so I think that also speaks volumes too ❤️❤️
I only joined the end of feb but I definitely think that when you are around like minded people it’s easier to find your place. 💕💕💕
Why the do did I have you on ignore?! It must have been a recent slip of the finger because we chatted about your pfp recently 😮 I’m so sorry luv, I’m going to go to my list and check it now 😩
I did too. There were reasons. Always best to click on their name and check past messages 🤎
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