Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Nov 10, 2023
Oh yeah forgot to tell you all this

It was me J bribed.

I scrolled the FYP and gave her the first few random names I come across that I didn’t know.

It’s a stonewall fact.

I can’t show you proof of it though because that would be totally classed as doxxing but you have to believe me okay?

So if J names anyone, it’s not true because I’m telling you I gave her incorrect information.

Call me a troll and I’ll act like one. Ya get me?


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Feb 28, 2024
I didn't know this happened either but bringing something up from February isn't Red being doxxed at the weekend. It's giving been digging for information to make it look believable
Catching up now and I believe this is what he’s done he’s been doing frantic homework to find something that can work with his crumbled original story. I


Mar 15, 2024
Oh yeah forgot to tell you all this

It was me J bribed.

I scrolled the FYP and gave her the first few random names I come across that I didn’t know.

It’s a stonewall fact.

I can’t show you proof of it though because that would be totally classed as doxxing but you have to believe me okay?

So if J names anyone, it’s not true because I’m telling you I gave her incorrect information.

Call me a troll and I’ll act like one. Ya get me?
omg 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌👌👌👌👌


Feb 29, 2024
Oh yeah forgot to tell you all this

It was me J bribed.

I scrolled the FYP and gave her the first few random names I come across that I didn’t know.

It’s a stonewall fact.

I can’t show you proof of it though because that would be totally classed as doxxing but you have to believe me okay?

So if J names anyone, it’s not true because I’m telling you I gave her incorrect information.

Call me a troll and I’ll act like one. Ya get me?
Pmsl I still can’t believe what they ran with can’t wait to see some very big sorrys
Feb 28, 2024
I can’t believe he’s grouping us as a collective and blaming all of us. IF this is true, which is yet to be shown, why on earth would we knowingly collaborate to break the law? Critically think Alex. I call out bad behaviour (like most) and make satirical artwork.

You’ve blamed us all and blocked us so we can’t defend ourselves. That’s a real Angie move, Alex. Grow up and use your brain and talk to us.
We aren’t a group it’s an online forum.

And at the weekend many of us posted into the callout thread with proof of how bad they’ve all been. The intent was to get it out there and so Taurian could see.

No ones worse than anyone else unless someone did dox.
Warning long, sorry Judas and all 🤦🏻‍♀️

I don’t blame them for keeping their head down and letting things cool a little luv 😬 They’re obviously not the journalist of course and so the article totally isn’t their fault. But if we spotlight someone, we bring it to a larger audience, so wouldn’t we have somewhat of a moral responsibility? Look at how Ang spotlighted CC and brought in Voldertwats, for example.

I’m not defending Red’s past actions, if she did it (talked about having issues with this due to past trauma, several days ago), is compromising her safety a suitable punishment?

If she was that person 10+ years ago, then she absolutely needs to take accountability for what she wrote. Please don’t think I’m excusing this type of behaviour, especially as a woman of (light brown 🤣) colour.

Gold star for Judas if you read it all ⭐
I agree nan 🤎🤎
Mar 8, 2024
My word I have loads to read and catch up on. I joined here 4th March for those looking to find who joined when, which is roughly 5 and a half weeks ago. Brief overview anyone?
Thought her number was meant to be doxed too? Didn’t she say herself she’d received calls? There was no phone number on that post Alex!
Oh so Miss Red proven to be in on it too. Oh Miss Red. Why would you need to fake being doxxed? And during a time where your friends are being outed as racists, you try put blame on the black women that are raising awareness and educating about racism on this app? 🤔🤔 ya racist
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