Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 2, 2024
I don't know if it's just a simple refusal to see it now. Because even when he does it to them directly he's back within 24 hours.

It's nothing but a saviour complex. It's completely normal to feel protective over children it's something people need to announce they do for brownie points to feed their egos. I don't know how he protected kids along side Tony who had shown attraction to them?
I agree with you 💯


Anyone else noticed since bat-woman has been added as a mod, people are being blocked for no reason?
Feb 29, 2024
Miss Baguette will be uploading it to YouTube but Chloe jumped in Paige’s box to have it out with Angie. Because Angie had blamed her for the rat for weeks when it happened. And she was rightly pissed when Angie said the rat was a lie. Angie brought up Chloe’s drink driving again which was so predictable of Angie. And everything escalated.
Tony’s ex was in there before that having it out with Angie which I think was a setup because the ghosts (Tony’s friends) were thanking Angie in the comments for getting her to breach again. A lot of us think it was entrapment.

I feel like everyone keeps missing the crucial part of the story here lol! Angie only said the rat wasn’t real to try and make queen boo look like she was lying about everything she’s been saying including the abuse from Tony! Someone had to correct angie and say just because she lied about Tony sending s ( I do think it was miss red tam and Tony who sent stuff to Angie) but that doesn’t mean she’s lies about the abuse from Tony! Angie was acting like it was some gotcha moment! But forgot the fact her mum has seen the rat and we heard her say it online! Angie then backtracked and said there was a rat but she knew who sent it she had proof it wasn’t Tony!
But yea the way she tried to make out boo lied about everything actually made me feel sick!
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
I came out the fishwives lives, they are becoming Alex's biggest enablers always making excuses for his behaviour. Jojo should have told him to go suck Jeffery off and chat about how much they hate women. Would I do appologise to a narcissistic t like that.
Who the do even is Jeffrey 😭
Mar 5, 2024
The M20
You can shut it aswell life on the edge!
I’ll never get bored of this being posted 💀

Lifeontheedge(Of a panic attack)

I know not everyone’s the same but when I get panic attacks I can’t breath and feel faint, you’d just close the app not scream like that. 😭 🤷‍♀️


Nov 19, 2023
The ster 💩
Can I ask a question? So certain people won’t associate themselves with anyone who were apart of plm and I’m talking about the fishwives, so if this is the case correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Julie apart of plm? So how is she able to sit with them but anyone else isn’t? Last night there was a discussion about someone called Lou who messaged a few people saying that nosisa was apart of that said group, and I heard a lot of them state we won’t talk about plm or be around anyone from that group I feel this is highly hypocritical, excuse my rant and I hope u guys get where I’m coming from? 🤣 also I’m still watching EQ and DG so missed everything today 😩🤣
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