Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Apr 18, 2024
The Moon
The way they entered has me wondering if someone rang the police like they did on cla that time saying she was armed.
I thought I heard the police saying they were told she was actively self harming and bleeding out - that would imply a weapon. The police came in quite aggressive for a MH call though - most people in a bad way would react badly to it and it could end up escalating everything
Mar 19, 2024
Who else is in Miss reds gang?

Luke, red, J, pearl, Alex, cockerpoo?

Who else? Needs to be people I can get photo or video of
There's "normal" people going too from what I have seen by some of the people commenting in the lives. I hope they don't get dragged into drama whilst they are there! Probably think they are just going to a party for the night and have no idea what's about to unfold. Let's hope some of the
Just checked his YouTube and he’s got a video premiering tonight with highlights from it. He did call out Chester as well and went in on him. I was recording but my phone overheated and it didnt save wat

Just checked his YouTube and he’s got a video premiering tonight with highlights from it. He did call out Chester as well and went in on him. I was recording but my phone overheated and it didnt save
I watched it earlier but nothing on there about that stuff!
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